- VHDL 关于2DFFT设计程序 u scinode1 ∼ scinode9.vhd: Every SCI node RTL vhdl code. The details can be seen in the following section. u 2dfft.vhd: The top module includes these scinodes and form a 3x3 SCI Torus network, and it support these sub-mo
- 数控分频器设计:对于一个加法计数器,装载不同的计数初始值时,会有不同频率的溢出输出信号。计数器溢出时,输出‘1’电平,同时溢出时的‘1’电平反馈给计数器的输入端作为装载信号;否则输出‘0’电平。 -NC divider design : an adder counter, loading the initial count value, have different frequency output signal of the overflow. Counter overflow, the
- 检测输入数据中的“10110”序列,并记录检测到的序列的数目,当序列数目大于15时溢出。 输入信号:iclk //输入时钟 rst_ //复位信号 din //输入串行数据 输出信号:[3:0] catch //检测到的序列的数目 overflow //数目大于15 ,溢出
- 一个带overflow功能的加法器的实现,采用Matlab+Simulink
pinlvji 频率计VHDL编程
- 频率计VHDL编程。设计一个4位数字显示的十进制频率计,其测量范围为1MHz,测量值通过4个数码管显示以8421BCD码形式输出,可通过开关实现量程控制,量程分10kHz、100kHz、1MHz三档(最大读数分别为9.999kHz、99.99kHz、999.9kHz); 当输入信号的频率大于相应量程时,有溢出显示。 -Cymometer VHDL programming. Design of a 4-digit decimal display frequency, the measu
- Verilog桶形移位寄存器,实现不溢出移位-Verilog barrel shift register, the shift towards non-overflow
- ATmega 16的各种代码含 AD转换 AT24C02的I2C DS1302 EEPROM读写 PWMO控制LED 按键 定时器0的快速PWM 定时器0的相位修正PWM 定时器0的溢出 定时器1的捕捉 异步串口UART 同步SPI-ATmega 16 a variety of code containing AD converter AT24C02 I2C DS1302 EEPROM read and write PWMO
- (1)设计4位十进制频率计测量范围: 1Hz~9999Hz (2)测量的数值通过4个数码管显示 (3)频率超过9999Hz时,溢出指示灯亮,可以作为扩大测量范围的接口-(1) the design of four decimal frequency measuring range: 1Hz ~ 9999Hz (2) measurement values through four digital tube display (3) the frequency of more than 999
- 频率计VHDL编程。设计一个4位数字显示的十进制频率计,其测量范围为1MHz,测量值通过4个数码管显示以8421BCD码形式输出,可通过开关实现量程控制,量程分10kHz、100kHz、1MHz三档(最大读数分别为9.999kHz、99.99kHz、999.9kHz); 当输入信号的频率大于相应量程时,有溢出显示。 -Cymometer VHDL programming. Design of a 4-digit decimal display frequency, the measure
- 用VHDL语言设计一个8位加法器: 在八位加法器代码一中:加法器是由两个4位二进制加法器U1和U2组成的8位加法器逻辑电路,其中U1用来装载8位加法器中两个加数的低4位,而U2则用来装载高4位。在设计4位加法器时,定义输入信号量CIN、A、B以及输出信号量S、Cout。定义信号量SINT/AA/BB,将加数A和0并置后赋给AA,加数B和0并置后赋给BB,形成5位二进制数,这是为在做加法时发生溢出所做的处理,然后将加数AA与BB以及进位Cin相加赋给SINT,并将SINT的低4位赋给加数和S输
- 实现加法、减法及循环累加运算,同时有溢出判断的verilog程序,已经验证-To achieve addition, subtraction and recycling accumulation operations, while there is overflow judge verilog program has been verified
- 在MATLAB2007A/SIMULINK环境下用DSP BUILDER8.0实现了五级CIC,解决了溢出问题。生成了可用的VHDL文件。- DSP BUILDER8.0 A 5 stages CIC filer is realized in MATLAB2007A/SIMULINK by using DSP Builder 8.0.The overflow problem is resulved.Useful VHDL files are generated at last.
- Simulation results show that energy savings in the range 30–60 and 10–60 are achieved in equalization and decoding, respectively. Furthermore, we present finite precision requirements of the linear turbo equalizer and an efficient rescaling metho
- VHDL课程实验6,数控分频器的设计。对应不同的输入信号,预置数(初始计数值)设定不同的值,计数器以此预置数为初始状态进行不同模值的计数,当计数器的状态全为1时,计数器输出溢出信号。用计数器的溢出信号作为输出信号或输出信号的控制值,使输出信号的频率受控于输入的预置数-VHDL course experiment 6, NC Divider. Corresponding to different input signals, the set value (initial count) to set
- 学习数控分频器的设计、分析和测试方法。数控分频器的功能就是当在输入端给定不同输入数据时,将对输入的时钟信号有不同的分频比,数控分频器就是用计数值可并行预置的加法计数器设计完成的,方法是将计数溢出位与预置数加载输入信号相接即可。-NC crossover study design, analysis and testing methods. NC divider function is that when the input given different input data, input th
- 32位基本运算器的功能,加法,减法,或,异或,与等基本功能-32 basic calculator functions, addition, subtraction, or, XOR, and other basic functions
- 脉宽测量电路,低电平有效,测量的最大脉宽为256拍,若超出则报溢出-Pulse width measurement circuit, active low, the maximum pulse width measurement 256 film, if overflow beyond the reported
- A technique for constructing a processor from modules,each of which processes one bit-field or “slice” of an operand.Bit slice processors usually consist of an ALU of 1,2,4 or 8-bits and control lines including carry or overflow signals usually inter
- Universal counter written on VHDL in Quartus II. It counts up and down by taking into account overflow and onderrun bits.
- it implement alu for 8 bit addition,subtraction,and ,or, left shift without overflow support and simulate it in modelsim