- 函数发生器是一种在科研和生产中经常用到的基本波形产生器,集成函数 波形发生器一般都采用ICL8038或5G8038,而它们只能产生300kHz以下的中低频正弦波、矩形波和三角波,且频率与占空比不能单独调节,从而给使用带来很大不便。本文介绍由LM324和稳压管组成的低频函数波形发生器,该电路能够产生正弦波、方波和三角波信号,频率能以10Hz的间隔在20Hz~20KHz范围内调整。-Function Generator is a scientific research and production
- 利用C语言开发图形界面的例程,使用前先察看包里的help.txt-use of C language development graphical interface routines, the use of the former first look at the bag help.txt
- CAN开发例子,很不错的!可以看一下!PIC的-CAN development examples, very good! Look at it! PIC
- IIC开发参考,可以看一下,很不错的!PIC下的开发环境!-IIC development of a reference can look at, very good! PIC under development environment!
- 低频数字式相位测量仪; 此系统由相位测量仪、数字式移相信号发生器和移相网络三部分组成。为使系统更加稳定,使系统整体精度得以保障,本电路两块T89C52为核心控制器件分别控制相位测量、数字式移相信号发生,在数字式移相信号发生部分采用了锁相技术、CPLD等技术, 使输出波形精度大大提高,并可对频率自动校验,提高频率稳定性。-low-frequency digital phase-measuring instrument; This system consists of phase-measuri
- 可编程片上系统设计技术,目前是一个热点话题,技术含量高,起点也高,所以本文能对大伙儿有帮助。 - On the programmable piece the system design technology, at present is a hot spot topic, the technical content high, the beginning is also high, therefore this article can have the help to everybody.
- nRF24E1作为 RF处理芯片,内带51处理器,其频段处于ISM频段,通信速度可以达到1M,可以进行跳频处理,在短距离高速度通信上有非常良好的功能。-nRF24E1 as an RF chip, which with 51 processors, the band at ISM band, communication speed can reach 1M, can Hopping, a short distance high-speed communications on a very goo
- VS1002D ADPCM RECORDING INSTRUCTIONS v 1.0 (C) 2004-09-23 VLSI SOLUTION OY This is a software package to patch VS1002d ADPCM recording capability. It is explained in VS10XX Application Notes, available at http://www.vlsi.fi/download/
- Realtek RTD2523方案的全部源代碼,有興趣做LCD及LCD TV方案開發的可以看看。-Realtek RTD2523 program full source code, are interested in doing LCD and LCD TV development of the program can look at.
- he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with only 2 discrete levels, for example 0V and 5V and a constant period. The current value of this signal at a certain poiTnt of time is proportional to its
- 这是一个关于嵌入式系统的编译环境的教程 不错呼,来看看 -This is an embedded system on the build environment for a good handbook called to look at the
- Novatek NT68521A方案的全部源代碼,有興趣做LCD及LCD TV方案開發的可以看看。-Novatek NT68521A program full source code, interested in becoming LCD and LCD TV development of the program can look at.
- IO程序 - 交通灯演示程序,采用中断驱动模式。① 南北路口的绿灯,东西路口的红灯同时亮30秒。 ② 南北路口的黄灯闪烁3次,同时东西路口红灯继续亮。 ③ 南北路口的红灯,东西路口的绿灯同时亮30秒。 ④ 南北路口的红灯继续亮。同时东西路口的黄灯闪烁3次。 ⑤ 转 ① 重复注:黄灯的每次闪烁亮0.5秒,熄0.5秒。- The IO procedure - traffic light demonstration program, uses the severance actuation pat
- sharp的arm920t 7A400的评估板附带光盘Sharp KEVLH7A400 v0.3b Welcome to the SHARP KEV7A400 Evaluation board beta starter kit. This document contains last minute updates to the kit and/or documentation that were not available at the kit development ti
- philips am7 打印机驱动源码,直接针对I/O 进行编程的典范,简单明了-philips am7 printer driver source code, aimed at I / O programming model for simple and clear
- 大家看看俄罗斯的实时系统jacos,而且还是在51上跑呢!强啊!大家一起研究一下。我也有很多地方没有看明白。-we look at Russia's jacos real-time systems, but also the 51 run? - Ah! We study together. I also have a lot of places not understand this.
- 用C51加1602实现键盘测试,自己没调试完成,请大家帮忙看看错在哪里?-with C51 keyboard plus 1,602 tests have not completed testing, please look at the help Mistakes?
- modbus的例程,非常不错,大家可以-modbus connection to the routines, very good, we will look at
- GSM、GPRS等无线通讯需要使用的中文AT指令集-GSM, GPRS and other wireless communication need to use the AT command set of the Chinese
- 在编译时就可以自动生成asm文件,但需要在设置菜单中设置。工程——选项——Listing——该选的选中如此将产生lst文件,把它编辑为asm文件即可。-At compile time can be automatically generated asm file, but needs to be set in the setup menu. Engineering- Options Listing so this option is selected will have a lst file,