- 物体位于焦点最清晰,离焦点远就越小和模糊,本例程供学习制作景深效果-objects in the most clear focus, focus far more from the small and fuzzy, learning the routines for the production depth of field effects
- 全屏抗锯齿和景深效果演示 花了一个下午,写了个实用的演示.演示如何实现全屏抗锯齿和景深效果. A键 - 开始全屏抗锯齿 D键 - 开始景深效果 UP键 - 增加摄相机的焦距 N键 - 不要任何效果 DOWN键 - 减小摄相机的焦距 -full screen antialiasing and depth of field effects demo spend an afternoon, write a practical demonstration. dem
- 用OPENGL开发的景深显示程序,用VC6调试成功,很好的程序-Use the OPENGL develop the depth of field program, debug in VC6 success, a good program
- Stereo Vision is an area of study in the field of Machine Vision that attempts to recreate the human vision system by using two or more 2D views of the same scene to derive 3D depth information about the scene. depth information can be used to trac
- 多媒体技术的发展和视觉信息的飞速膨胀迫切需要对视觉信息资源的有效管理和检索。由此,基于内容的图像和视频检索技术得到了越来越多的重视,成为了多媒体信息检索和图像处理领域中的重要研究方向。CBIR技术将对大规模图像信息的管理和访问提供有力支持。 本文这种介绍了内容图像检索的灰度特征实现方法,具有理论意义和实际应用价值。针对基于内容图像检索技术进行了研究,介绍了其研究现状和关键技术,讨论了其技术瓶颈和发展趋势。共生矩阵法,是对图像的所有像元进行统计调查,以便描述其灰度分布的一种方法。分析了这种基于
- 本例的功能是显示茶壶图像的景深效果。再连续茶壶的图像中,其中一个处于焦点处,其他的茶壶随着其焦点处的距离而逐渐变得模糊-In this case the function is to show the image depth of field effects of teapots. Continuous re-pot image, where one is in focus at the other teapot with its focus at the distance gradually
- openGL中用射线实现拾取的经典例子,程序中有4个不同景深的立方体供鼠标select-openGL using radiation to achieve a classic example of picking up the program in 4 different depth of field of the cube for the mouse to select
- This sample presents a technique for combining multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA) with a depth-of-field effect. It utilizes Direct3D 10.1 APIs and hardware to retrieve depth values from a multi-sampled depth buffer.-This sample presents a technique fo
- 图像处理领域中用于模仿相机透镜的Dof原理的源程序,输出是一幅不同景深聚焦的图像-Used to imitate the Dof of the camera lens principle source, output in the field of image processing is the image of a different depth of field focus
- 估计是有用的图像散焦几个应用程序 包括去模糊,模糊放大,测量图像 质量和景深分割。在本文中,我们 现在一个简单而有效的方法来评估一个分散注意力 模糊映射关系为依托的对比 图像梯度在当地的图像区域。我们把这种关系 当地的对比之前。我们的方法的优势 是,它不需要过滤银行或频率分解 输入图像 相反,我们只需要比较 当地的梯度概要文件与当地的对比。我们讨论 背后的想法之前,展示其局部对比度 在各种各样的实验效果-Image defocus estimation is useful
- 从系统没有位相片对焦图,加位相片图片和有位相片任意图片中实现解码提高显微景深。-Digital photos focusing Figure from the system, plus digital photo images and digital photos any picture decoding improve microscopic depth of field.
- 两幅相似图片较清晰部位拼接在一起景深融合 matlab开发-depth of field fusion matlab development
- vs2010环境下的openni+opencv的景深图像显示-openni+opencv depth of field of the image display vs2010 environment
- 使用Kinect景深摄像机机获取景深全息图,开发平台为VS,建立WPF项目,运行程序即可。-Using Kinect depth camera hologram machine for depth of field, development platform for VS, Create a WPF project, run the program.
- 自己做的一个实现景深效果的程序,用到了FBO,Cg和GLSL等,稍有点复杂,效果还不错-A program for depth of field. The program include FBO, Cg and GLSL. It s a little complex, but the result is fine.
- Pixie is a photorealistic renderer that uses a RenderMan-like interface. Features include programmable shading, motion blur, depth of field, raytracing, scan-line rendering, occlusion culling, global illumination, caustics -Pixie is a photorealistic
- opengl depth of field demo with source
- opengl depth of field 的实现,与Anti Aliasing使用的方法类似-opengl depth of field implementation, similar to the method used by Anti Aliasing
- 一个可用于景深融合的源代码,可用于多种图像融合处理-A depth of field can be used for integration of the source code can be used for a variety of image fusion
- 一种基于景深的去雾方法,将按通道中的最大值和最小值作为景深基准线,计算其垂直方向上的暗通道像素均值作为透射图,实现去雾,对航拍图效果显著-A dehaze method based on the depth of field, draw a depth datum line according to the maximum value and minimum value of the dark channel, calculate the pixel of the dark channel at