- 打开页面后,图片就会不停的滚动。本实例首先使用了css中的overflow属性,把它的值设为hidden可以隐藏超出面积的部分,接着定义Marquee11()函数,通过改变gundong。scrollLeft的数值来使滚动图片的位置不停变化, 最后setInterval(mq,speed)来制作定时器达到动态效果。
- 初识缓冲区溢出教程的视频录象,个人觉得不错的好东西,希望大家喜欢-First video tape of buffer overflow tutorials, personal things that good, hope you like them
- 现象:poi账票数据量大时,发生内存溢出 C语言 实现2维图像编辑 -Phenomenon: poi votes amount of data loss occurs when memory overflow C language 2D image editing
- 关于缓冲区溢出相关,简单的介绍一些缓冲区溢出的知识点,以及利用方式-Buffer Overflow Attacks
- his paper presents a reversible data hiding method based on wavelet spread spectrum and histogram modification. Using the spread spectrum scheme, we embed data in the coefficients of integer wavelet transform in high frequency subbands. The pse
- 实现了Bresenham画线算法,实现了橡皮筋功能,并且实现了种子填充算法,同时对种子填充算法进行了改进,解决了种子填充算法过于耗资源从而导致内存溢出的缺点。-Bresenham line drawing algorithm implemented to achieve a rubber band function, and to achieve a seed filling algorithm, while the seed filling algorithm has been improve
- 这是我从一个由pascal语言opengl1.0编写的坦克射击游戏移植而来。 先移植为C++。尔后由于工作需要,又将其移植为纯C语言opengl2.0 的代码。代码通用与WIN32项目和中间件 以及机顶盒中。上传的这个工程是WIN32上调试用的。 由于部分特殊要求,游戏中的所有资源文件在本版本中全部都被转化为头文件包含形式,不再有对文件的操作,详情看到代码即可了解。 -----注意---- 代码是VC6.0环境下编译运行,但由于转变为.h的资源文件过大,VC6.0下会出现
opengl san wei xian shi
- 利用opengl显示歼击机协同作战与空空导弹攻击的三维模拟仿真,之前的程序有问题会有溢出,现在修改了可以用了,部分dll由于项目保密,暂时不公开-Use opengl to display three-dimensional simulation of fighter coordinated operations and air-to-air missile attack before the procedure there will be overflow, now modified with
- rgb->yuv色彩空间转换,防溢出处理-RGB-YUV color space conversion, anti-overflow processing
- 一款Flash相册源码,用户可通过后台添加图片,支持jpeg格式,图片大小尽量按照后台说明添加,以免出现图片过大溢出边框。支持分享和全屏效果,精简界面提高加载速度。-A Flash album source, users can add pictures through the background, support jpeg, image size as much as possible in accordance with the instructions to add the backgr
- 拍照并高质量压缩图片并上传,解决图片太大内存溢出的问题-Pictures and high-quality compressed images and upload pictures to solve the problem of too much memory overflow
- 香港理工大学张开华的新算法,没有解决边界溢出问题-Zhang Kaihua of Hong Kong Polytech University, a new algorithm, not to solve the problem of boundary overflow Zhang Kaihua of Hong Kong Polytech University, a new algorithm, not to solve the problem of boundary overflow
- 可用于IOS平台的*一检测跟踪算法,ColorTracker,CT,CMT,camshift,struck,TLD-Platform can be used for the detection of a tracking algorithm, ColorTracker, CT, CMT, CAMSHIFT, struck, TLD, IOS Zhang Kaihua of Hong Kong Polytech University, a new algorithm, not to sol
- 基于LRSD方法的低秩图像分解程序,参数可以在运行中依据目标图像的实际情况进行调节,注意目标图像不要过大,否则会溢出。-Image decomposition process based on low rank LRSD method parameters can be based on the actual situation in the operation of the target image is adjusted, note the target image is not too l
- 基于特征值分解的低秩图像分解程序,将目标图像分割为背景和前景之和,参数可以在运行中依据目标图像的实际情况进行调节,注意目标图像不要过大,否则会溢出。-Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition of low rank image decomposition process, the target image into the background and the foreground and, in the operation parameters can be base
- 安卓大图片剪裁的demo,避免内存溢出,可以一试(Android big picture tailoring demo, to avoid memory overflow, you can try)
- android加载超大图(Tif)内存不溢出,使用ArcGis加载(Android loaded super large graph (Tif) memory does not overflow, using ArcGis load)