- 本人为了图像处理的需要,很想实现二维图像的三维显示,于是写了本代码,希望与此有兴趣的读者共享。图像的获取一是bmp图像文件,二是来自剪贴板。本代码在MFC中调用OpenGL库函数来实现二维图像的三维显示,图像的宽度、高度和象素的亮度分别为三维空间的x,z,y坐标。程序主要有初始化、绘图、资源释放和操作部分,这些功能在OGL_MFCView.cpp文件中实现。OpenGL库的初始化在该文件中的OnCreate,InitScene和DrawScene函数中实现,主要初始化OpenGL运行时的环境变量
- AppWizard has created this jpegshow application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of w
CORE 图形系统
- Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or standard input) as x- and y- values and plots them on the screen, connected by straight lines. A string surrounded by quotes \"...\" may follow a pair
- Nate Robins教程之Pixel formats Pixel formats specify the properties of OpenGL contexts. Pixel formats in conjunction with palettes are the gateway through which an appropriate context for an application is created. Their use is described below.-Nate R
- Gandalf is a computer vision and numerical algorithm library, written in C, which allows you to develop new applications that will be portable and run FAST.-Ivanov is a computer vision and numerical algorithm library, written in C, which allows you t
- Structural Topology Optimization with the Level Set Method, 含GUI版本代码 -Structural Topology Optimization with th e Level Set Method, with the GUI version code
- This file contains the function body for the watershed algorithm.Algorithm reference: L. Vincent and P. Soille, \"Watershed in digital spaces: An efficient algorithm based on immersion simulations\"-This file contains the function body for th e water
- XMIPP is a specialized suite of image processing programs primarily aimed at obtaining the three-dimensional reconstruction of biological specimens from large sets of projection images obtained by transmission electron microscopy. //专门处理图像程序
- 细胞识别统计系统用VC写的程序 AppWizard has created this Cell application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes-cell identification statistical systems with VC written procedures AppWizard has crea
- Hello and welcome to the DScaler source. There are a few hoops to jump through before the source can be compiled. Our guides will hopefully smooth that process.-Hello and welcome to the DScaler source. Th torii are a few hoops to jump through befor
- This a set of simple implementations for aligning scans of range-bearing laser data. They are written as demonstrations of basic algorithm implementations and are not designed for real-world (ie, efficient) application. The source code consists of Ma
- 给出了二次函数的Julia集分形图的概念及逃逸时间算法绘制复杂分形图的基本原理,对Julia集给出了严格的数学定义.逃逸时间算法即取定迭代次数界限N,经N次迭代后,若x点仍在给定的区域内,则认为x是分形A中的点 否则x不是分形A中的点.该算法同样适用于Mandelbrot集、Sierpinski三角形等其他复杂分形图.试验表明,该算法绘制的Julia集分形图准确有效、优美清晰,算法简单实用. -given quadratic function of the Julia set fracta
- MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extendible system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes. The system is aimed to help the processing of the typical not-so-small unstructured models arising in 3D scanning, prov
- Parallel Port Control Made Easy - parashell allows control of a PC parallel port (input and output) with simple command line arguments. The simplicity of these programs make it very easy to use in scr ipts. Control stepper motors, Relays, LEDs, etc..
- CColor - RGB and HLS combined in one class The CColor class emerged from the need to manipulate color in the HLS model, meaning I needed the ability to directly change attributes like luminance or saturation. The HLS model makes it very easy to dra
- Given gray scale double matrix, M(width,height,frameNum),this function stabilizes the sequence using the Grey-Coded Bit-Plane Matching (GC-BPM) algorithm.-Given gray scale double matrix, M (width, height, frameNum). this function stabilizes the seque
- Partial volume correction method using reverse diffusion interpolation This function implements a reverse diffusion scheme to interpolate images to correct for partial volume effect. Under the assumption that the pdf is about the size of the pix
- Use your own images to make picture frames The program adpframe.m makes picture frames and then frames an image using that frame. Some patterns are provided in the zipped file, which can be used to make frames and then frame images. Special Fe
- mapx中点的移动 mapx中点的移动-MapX Mobile midpoint of th e MapX Mobil e midpoint of th e MapX Mobile
- JOGL是在java环境下使用OpenGL的一种方式,这些代码来自Dr. Andrew Davison的Pro Java 6 3D Game Development一书,给出了在JOGL中使用OpenGL的两种编程框架。 Web Site for the book: http://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/jg2