- 图像处理算法源程序.pdf,包含: 利用Visual C++实现AVI文件的图像截取 Visual C++中实现对图像数据的读取显示 Visual C++实现视频图像处理技术 VC编程中如何操作数据库中的图像字段 Visual C++实现数字图像增强处理 Visual C++6.0开发灰度位图处理 VC++开发腐蚀运算源程序 VC++开发膨胀运算源程序 VC++开发细化源程序 VC++开发Hough变换的源程序 VC++开*廓提取源程序 堆
- 使用WIN API编写的图形界面版本的图中两点之间最短路径求解演示程序.VC6工程-use WIN API prepared by the graphical interface version of the map shortest path between two points for Demonstration Program. V C6 works
- This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 7. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. This program reads a polygon P followed by query points from stdin. The in
- 新建一个C++Builder项目 设置Form1的font为“宋体,小五” 在Form1中添加一个TRadioGroup组件rgDrawWhat供选择画什么图形;添加一个Tbutton组件colorBtn和一个TcolorDialog组件ColorDialog1;添加一个TImage组件Image1。 3、 将当前项目保存在自己实验文件夹的exp1子文件夹中(以防错误操作而前功尽弃)。 编写colorBtn的OnClick事件,激活ColorDialog1,并获取所选择的颜色: if (Col
- 生成voronoi图的一个类,用这个类可以轻松生成v图,是vc源程序-Generate voronoi diagram of a class, use this type can easily generate v map is vc source
- 不同v对应的漏极电流(开态和关态电流)与栅电压的关系-leakage program
- 不同v对应的漏极电流(开态和关态电流)与栅电压的关系,比较简单很好学。-simulation of leakage
- 这是VC最牛插件VAX的最新版V10.5.1711.0,非常好用,是VC编程人员的好帮手。-This is the VC of the most cattle the latest version of VAX plug V10.5.1711.0, is very easy to use, is a good helper VC programmers.
- A Matlab scr ipt to perform the chromatic aberration computations described in Marimont & Wandell (1994 -- J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, v. 11, p. 3113-31- A Matlab scr ipt to perform the chromatic aberration computations described in Marimo
- 基于文献“一种新的最小割完美匹配算法”的最小割匹配算法-An implementation of a minimum cost perfect matching algorithm described in Blossom V: A new implementation of a minimum cost perfect matching algorithm. Vladimir Kolmogorov. To appear in Mathema
- cv模型 matlab 图像分割源码,与传统模型相比,该C V模型具有更高的分割精度。-cv model segmentation matlab source, compared to the traditional model, the CV model has higher accuracy of segmentation.
- at the positions specified by x and y, and v (z-axis) in a 3-D axis system. A colourbar is added on the right side of the figure.
- 讲诉图像标定算法 并在ppt给出了论文算法的实现代码下载地址 好东西-Say v. image calibration algorithm given in papers ppt algorithm code download address goodies
- it is used to plot cicul by nice way. Plot a circle v - center (either 2 or 3 dimensional vector) r - radius default = 1 c - color default = white n - number of plot points default = 20 -it is used to plot cicul by nice way.