- 线性锐化滤波 2015.03.06 函数功能:对图像进行线性锐化 本函数的线性锐化滤波选用 laplacian 拉普拉斯算子 输入举例子sharpL( lena.jpg , 1.jpg ) 参数说明: image为待做锐化的图像 imagegoal为锐化后的图像-2D image line sharp attack
Schmidt-Segmentation (HMM heart sound)-Code-master
- Matlab code for the Schmidt HMM-based heart sound segmentation. An example of the implementation of this code can be found in “run_Example_Schmidt_scr ipt.m”. This code is derived from the paper: S. E. Schmidt et al., "Segmentation of heart s