- 这个是一个很好的delphi显示,处理图像的控件包,里面有详细的使用文档,并且我上船的dicom读片程序也要用到这个-this is a good delphi showed that the image control packets, which contain detailed the use of documents, and I read the uplift of DICOM films have used this procedure
- 用于计算HU 的7个不变矩和RADON的2、3阶不变矩。网站中有C++写的RADON变换,但西北工业大学的一名教授使用RADON变换构建了这种新型的不变距,可以降低图象的维数,计算速度较快。算法详情可参考他的文献。-used in the calculation of the seven RADON unchanged moments and the 2,3-order moment invariants. Web site is written in C RADON transform, bu
- yi chuan suan fa yuan ma 7-yi yuan chuan suan fa ma 7
- matlab实现huffman编码 1. norm2huff.m (encoder function) 2. huff2norm.m (decoder function) 3. frequency.m (private function) 4. huffcodes2bin.m (binary rapresentation of huffman codes) 5. huffman_bench1.m (benchmark) 6. huffman_demo1.m (dem
- 一个画图板程序,可以画线和矩形,按一画线,按二画矩形
- Delphi 的 photoshop SDK 可编写Photoshop 插件,要求与 Graphic32 1.7 控件件一同使用,或对原码进行部分修改
- 判断点是否在区域内. Private Sub Command1_Click() 当点与任一顶点重合时,返回“不在多边形区域” Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), RGB(255, 255), BF Dim hRegion As Long Dim P() As PointAPI ReDim P(9) As PointAPI P(0).X = 10: P(0).Y = 190: PSet (P(0).X, P(0).Y), vbRed P(1
- This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 7. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. This program reads a polygon P followed by query points from stdin. The in
- Int Conv Poly This code is described in \"Computational Geometry in C\" (Second Edition), Chapter 7. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book.
- Potrace是一个位图图片的优化工具,它可以使其成为平滑,可自由缩放的图片。它输入的格式可以是PBM, PGM, PPM, 和 BMP 格式,默认的输出格式是EPS文件,它可以用于将公司的徽标和文件的扫描图片的锯齿消除,以任何分辨率显示出来。它的输出格式有: EPS, Postscr ipt, PDF, SVG , Xfig, Gimppath, 和PGM . -Potrace is a bitmap image optimization tools, which can make it sm
- DirectDraw实例,1-7实例依次增加难度。,DirectDraw example, 1- 7 followed by examples of increasing difficulty.
- ㈠ 点的基本运算 1. 平面上两点之间距离 1 2. 判断两点是否重合 1 3. 矢量叉乘 1 4. 矢量点乘 2 5. 判断点是否在线段上 2 6. 求一点饶某点旋转后的坐标 2 7. 求矢量夹角 2 -I-point basic computing 1. Planar distance between two points on 1 2. To determine whether the coincidence of two 1 3. Vector
- 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序 下面是我编的一个软硬阈值去噪的matlab程序:thr=sigma*(2*lgN)1/2/lg(j+1) 用[x,xn]=wnoise(2,10,6) 产生噪声测试数据-The following is Part I of a of hard and soft threshold denoising matlab procedure is the following hardware and software, I made a thre
- 根据网上的资料自己做的harris角点检测实验,参考程序文件夹中是网上搜集到得程序,参考资料中是4篇我觉得还不错的论文。还有自己拍摄的7幅供测试用的图片。whole.m为主程序,直接运行即可。程序的主要功能是球出了途中角点的坐标并且利用曲面拟合的方法求出了其亚像素坐标。程序中的关键地方均有注释。对研究harris角点检测的朋友很有帮助。-According to online information on their own do harris corner detection experime
- batik是读取和编辑SVG文件的一套接口,内部有应用实例,希望对大家有所帮助-batik SVG file is read and edit a set of interfaces, internal application example, we want to help
- 用于对全景镜头进行标定,能求解出图像上对应点的世界坐标的方向向量-The OcamCalib Toolbox for Matlab allows the user (also inexpert users) to calibrate any central omnidirectional camera, that is, any panoramic camera having a single effective viewpoint (see section 17). The Toolbox i
- Source code Game snake in Turbo Pascal 7.0. In RAR - source code, doc, exe
- 基于SIFT的全景图像生成,效果稳定。大家可以使用一下。-SIFT-based panoramic image generation, the effect is stable.
- UNE-EN 60617-7 (1997)
- Qt5.7.0 2D绘图.表盘时钟+数字时钟 有比较详细的注释 其他功能:允许选择表针颜色(和刻度对应) 选择表盘字体字号 -. Qt5.7.0 2D graphics digital clock dial clock+ a more detailed notes Additional features: Allows you to the color of the hands (and the corresponding scale) dial font size