- 计算机图形学,应用VC+=6.0和DirectX 8.0 SDK制作透明效果,纹理过滤、光照效果以及键盘控制的旋转的正方体-computer graphics, application VC = 6.0 and DirectX 8.0 SDK produced transparent effect, texture filtering, lighting and keyboard control of the rotating cube
- DirectX 3D Graphics Programming Bible(by Julio Sanchez and Maria P. Canton)一书的随书光盘源码,VC++5和6下都能执行。不愧\"Bible\"书名,能让你了解Directx强大的2D和3D功能。此为8至11章源代码 -DirectX 3D Graphics Programming Bible (by Julio Sanchez and Maria P. Canton) a book with the CD sourc
- 迄今为止见过的最方便的huffman编码,效率很高 一个外国人写的,很具有研究价值 Constructing a Huffman Tree according to the number of times each symbol appears in the data stream: 1) Create an array of N nodes, representing N possible symbols (ranging between 0 and N-1). 2) Set
- 一个Delphi开发的矢量3D绘图源代码-abstract : drawing 3D shapes and changing the camera and screen position with the mouse key words : 3D graphics, geometry, perspective, floodfill, vector graphics, camera, World view, homogeneous transforms software use
- 将模型和动画从Maya导入到Torque的教程 一共18个步骤,有详细的步骤介绍-The model and animation from Maya into Torque tutorial Steps: 1. Set up Maya’s workspace to work with Torque 2. Create you character model 3. Triangulate your model 4. Freeze transformations on all
- 一本介绍 3D 游戏引擎开发的书籍随书附带的源代码。-3D Game Engine Programming (C) 2004 Oliver Duvel, Stefan Zerbst CD-ROM Contents: 1. Chapter Data 2. Tools 3. Sample Chapters ____________________________________________________________________ 1
- 【例6.3-8】演示:如何利用“非数”NaN,对图形进行镂空处理。(图6.3-13)-[Example 6.3-8] Demo: How to take advantage of the " non-number NaN hollow handle graphics. (Figure 6.3-13)
- Direct3D 关于雪花粒子,烟花粒子,雨点粒子等的程序。用VC++6.0编译。-Direct3D on snow particles, fireworks particles, particles, etc. raindrops program.
VTK图形图像开发进阶 随书代码
- 本书系统地介绍了VTK基础知识与开发技术,帮助VTK用户从入门到进阶,快速进入项目实战。本书第l章是VTK概览,介绍VTK的发展和编译安装;第2章以实例开题,分析VTK渲染引擎和可视化管线;第3章介绍VTK的基本数据结构,并在第4章中以实例分析VTK中数据读写功能;第5~6章通过实例阐述VTK在图像和图形处理中的应用;第7章分析VTK的体绘制技术;第8章讲述VTK交互技术;第9章内容为VTK在Qt、MFC等环境下的开发技术;第10章分析了VTK的基础架构和管线机制,并通过实例讲解自定义Filte