- 本程序使用halcon软件,描述的是结构光设置的标定,主要包括3个步骤:1. 标定相机 2.确定图像平面相对WCS的方向 3.标定运动的物体-This program uses halcon software, it describes the calibration of structured light settings, including three steps: 1. Calibrte the camera 2. Determine the direction of the image
- halcon 写的的程序,二维图像中提取对象,已经通过,速度快-* This example explains how to use the hand-eye calibration for the case where * a 3D sensor is stationary with respect to the robot and the calibration * object is attached to the robot arm. The pose of a 3d model
- 3维物体识别,halcon实现,适应于圆柱体、球体等,速度快-* This example program shows how to use the operators * gen_plane_object_model_3d, gen_sphere_object_model_3d_center * gen_sphere_object_model_3d, gen_cylinder_object_model_3d, and * gen_box_object_model_3d in HAL
- cube模型生成、识别、变换,进行三维展示-* This example program shows how to use the operator * projective_trans_object_model_3d in HALCON. In this example * some cubes are created by different means. * After that, the cubes are tranformed with a projective *
- 圆柱体的随意角度展示,3D立体变换,HALCON编写,可以转换为C++随度快-* This example program shows how to use the operator * rigid_trans_object_model_3d in HALCON. In this example * a cylinder is created. In a second step, the cylinder is * tranformed with a rigid transform
- 不规则立体随意角度展示,3D立体变换,HALCON编写,可以转换为C++随度快-* This example program demonstrates how to use the operator * triangulate_object_model_3d
- Halcon算子,检测瑕疵,算子简洁明了,功能强大,完全认识算子-Halcon operator to detect defects, operator concise, powerful, fully aware of the operator
- Halcon可变性模板匹配,运行效果非常不错(Variability Template Matching works very well)