- ual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Pack - version 4.3 Nick Kingsbury, Cambridge University, June 2003. This pack (version 4.2) includes the following functions for performing the Dual Tree Complex wavelet Transform on 1-D and 2-D signals-
- This award winning library is a C library for \"computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input size.\" -This award winning library is a C library az r "computing th
- 双树复小波变换 Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Pack - version 4.3 Nick Kingsbury, Cambridge University, June 2003. This pack includes the following functions for performing the Dual Tree Complex wavelet Transform on 1-D and 2-D signals.
- 简单的小波压缩变换工作的原理如下: 信号和求导信号,形成的求同信号序列和求导信号序列的长度均为输入信号的长度的一半.如果输入信号序列是A={a(1),...,a(n)}求同信号S={s(1),...,s(n/2)}和求异信号D={d(1),...,d(n/2)}的计算方式为: for i=1,...,n/2 s(i)=a(2*i-1)+a(2*i) d(i)=a(2*i-1)-a(2*i) 例如输入信号是: 5,2,3,2,5,7,9,6
- (1.)二维信号的小波分解。选择一个小波和小波分解的层次N,然后计算信号s到第N层的分解。 (2)对高斯系数进行阈值量化。对于从1到N的每一层,选择一个阈值,并对这一层的高斯系数进行软阈值量化处理。 (3)二维信号的重构。根据小波分解的第N层的低频系数和经过修改的从第1层到第N层的各层高频系数计算二维信号的小波重构。 -(1) 2 d signal wavelet decomposition. Choose a wavelet and wavelet decomposition le
- 真正的3 d双树离散小波变换(DWT)的一个数据集x是使用四个严格采样实现可分3 d DWTs在平行。然后subbands四DWTs结合适当。 -The real the 3 d Doubletree discrete wavelet transform (DWT) data set x four to strict sampling separable 3 d the DWTs In parallel. The then the subbands four DWTs combined ap
- 复杂的3 d双树离散小波变换(DWT)同样也引起了小波的两倍作为真正的3 d双树离散小波变换(DWT)。这两个小波在每一个方向,可以解释为真实的和虚构的部分一个复数的3 d小波。复杂的3 d双树被实现为八严格采样可分3 d DWTs操作在并行。然而,不同的过滤器集用于每个三个维度。 -3 d complex- Doubletree discrete wavelet transform (DWT) also caused the wavelet twice as a real 3 d Doub