- 本书全面系统介绍了小波分析的基本理论和最新研究成果,重点介绍小波分析的应用成果,并通过软件实现来检验应用效果。全书分为三篇:第一篇是小波理论,包含8章内容,小波分析的发展历史及文献综述、准备知识、多分辨分析与共轭滤波器、连续小波变换、最佳小波基的构造及算法、二维母小波的构造、框架与样条小波理论、时间----频率分析;第二篇是小波应用,包含12章内容,详细介绍了小波分析在图象压缩、流体力学、工业CT、故障诊断、语音分割、数学物理、地球物理勘探、医学细胞识别、线性系统、神经网络等方面的应用;第三篇是
- 利用Gabor滤波器提取图像纹理特征,用于图像分类模式识别-Extract the texture feature using Gabor filter/wavelet. You should first generate cell array G, which is a set of kernels in freq domain, then pass G and the image to the function GABORCONV.
- 设定雷达和目标参数,选取目标中心与雷达的距离为参考距离,采取dechirp方式接收信号,直接对回波信号进行二维FFT得到的成像结果,并采用Keystone法(即重采样法)校正越距离单元徙动。-Set the radar and the target parameters, select the center of the target and the distance from the radar as the reference distance, take reception dechirp
- Brain tumors are created by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division in brain itself. If the growth becomes more than 50 , then the patient is not able to recover. So the detection of brain tumor needs to be fast and accurate. The objective of this pa
- 【谷速软件】基底细胞癌集群 可以作为参考使用学习 -[Valley] basal cell carcinoma speed cluster software can use as a reference to learn