- LCD driver to display font
- 用VC6.0编的艺术字体程序,单击按钮会出现各种漂亮的艺术字体。-with VC6.0 addendum to the art font procedures, click the button will appear beautiful art font.
- 用摄像头采集类似于电话充值卡的图象,对其的卡号,密码区域进行识别,只识别数字。(0-9)但原理相同,你只需改一下字库即可使用。-Camera phone with a prepaid card is similar to capture the image of its card number and password to identify the region, only the identification number. (0-9), but the same principle, yo
- 一个图章生成和处理的vc程序,可输入图章的单位名,字体大小,间距,有无五星等功能,请参考-A seal of vc generation and processing procedures, enter the seal of the unit name, font size, spacing, whether or not the five-star features, please refer to
- matlab图像处理:使用鼠标设置字体和文本属性的算法代码-matlab image processing: Use the mouse set the font and text properties of the algorithm code
- 绘图,绘制基本的图形操作,比如直线,椭圆,矩形以及文本的写入,此外还设置了字体颜色,线条类型-Drawing, drawing basic graphics operations, such as a straight line, oval, rectangular, as well as write the text, in addition to setting the font color, line type
- 车牌识别字体,车牌识别软件需要车牌的字体信息。在本文稍后的代码中前半部分就是这个函数的实现。 后半部分是使用这个函数的一个例子。-License Plate Recognition font, license plate recognition software requires license plate font information. The code later in this article is the first part of this function is realized
- 本程序是一个,由本人自己编的一个,关于字体的训练程序。其训练性还可以,希望大家给个意见,一起研究研究。-This program is one of a series which I own on the font of the training program. Nature of their training can be, hope we can give an advice, together with further studies.
- 用C语言编写,DOS编程习惯 (过程驱动),并配所需图象文件及字库文件。 编程练习:只需将编程练习模块Ex1 至 Ex12中任一程序的内容删除,即 可在其中编制自己的程序,不用修改菜单结构。-Using C language, DOS programming practice (process-driven), and with the necessary image files and font files. Programming Exercise: Just programmi
- 用直线逼近文字的外形,可以放大缩小图片,并生成字库。输入的图片一定要是.bmp文件,并且是黑白图片(可以有一定的灰度)。-Linear approximation of the shape of the text, you can zoom images, and generate font. The image must be an input. Bmp file, and is black and white picture (you can have some gray).
- test_freetype 演示了如何使用freetype开发包将字体转换成bmp。程序中用到的字体请到网上下载或在windows字库中拷贝-test_freetype demonstrates how to use freetype font development kit will be converted into bmp. Program please download the font used or copied in the windows font
- 读取字体并描绘出轮廓,顶点,并输出点坐标数据,支持中文。-This application can convert any True-Type Font into a series of polygons made entirely of straight lines defined by vertices. If you need to get your hands on some raw-data, then you have found the correct place.
- 从汉字国标库提取汉字字模点阵的方法 不用生成液晶显示,直接提取字库点阵 -Library from the Chinese national standard method of extracting character font matrix
- 简单的动画字体,从左到有的显示让字体可以有动画效果,给以一定的速度。-Simple animated fonts, and some left to make the font can display animation, give a certain speed.
- 本程序是对cad里面的文字诸如字高,字体的改变。简短而高效的好程序。-This procedure is inside the text, such as word cad high, the font changes. Good short and efficient process.
- mfc 实现绘图功能的程序,基于单文档,能够实现线型选择,可以画矩形,椭圆,等等,还可以改变字体的大小。-MFC realize drawing function of the program, based on single document, will be able to realize the linear to choose, can draw rectangular, ellipse,, and so on, can also change the font size.
- 在图片上增加日期时间等信息,且叠加的位子可以改变,字体大小颜色可变-Added to the picture information such as date and time, and the overlay can change the seat, variable font size, color
- 1、选择文件夹后,能将选中的文件夹或包含其子文件夹下所有的BMP/JPG/GIF等常见图片格式导入到列表中2、设置字体,可以设置签名的字体和颜色3、可以预览图片4、可以单张签名5、设设置签名位置和字体格式后,点击“批量签名”,可以实现列表中图片批量签名/签字6、签名后自动保存(覆盖原有图片)为JPG格式7、字体的背景是透明的,比Windows自带的画图工具签名更好用 -1, select the folder, to select the folder or its sub-folders
- 手写数字识别程序 1、 在左边的白色框中长按鼠标左键手动输入数字,数字最大个数小于10个; 2、 输入的每个数字要求是连续的; 3、 两个不同数字之间不要出现笔画重叠; 4、 输入数字的速度不要太快(视个人计算机速度而定); 5、 输入字体不要太小; 6、 识别结果按照手写数字从左到右依次排列。 -Handwritten numeral recognition program, in the left white box, long click the left mo
- 关于印刷字体识别的c++源代码,有图像素材,很不错,希望对大家有帮助。-About the printing font recognition c++ source code, image material, very good, and I hope for all of us to help.