- FCM 模糊C均值聚类算法。使用说明:这是一个可以人机交互的FCM算法,首先使用鼠标圈定一个矩形区域,则算法自动施加于目标区域:) Have Fun :)-FCM fuzzy C means clustering algorithm. Usage: This is a can of HCI FCM algorithm, the first to use the mouse a rectangular area delineation, the algorithm automatically im
- COMPUTER VISION INTERACTION FOR PEOPLE WITH SEVERE MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS-In this paper we present the starting point of research in applying humancomputer interaction (HCI) techniques to help people with cerebral palsy to use computers via visi
- BMP,PCX格式图像处理基础的程序代码,可作入门学习-Bmp & PCX Images Editor An image editing program that currently supports Windows Bitmaps, PCX files, and my own attempt at image compression, the HCI.
- 功能:求两幅图像的相似度,进而用于图像检索 尽管一幅彩色图像包含成千上万种颜色,但在多数情况下,图像中少数几种颜色就涵盖了图像中的大多数的象素颜色。这些颜色被称为主色。一些研究表明:使用主色一般不会降低颜色匹配效果。因此考虑一种次优可行的基于聚类颜色特征的相似度计算方法。 -Function: Find the similarity of two images, and then used for image retrieval although a color image con
- In this paper, we present a comparison of four novel algorithms that have been applied to the tracking of people in an indoor scenario. Tracking is carried out in 3D or 2D (ground plane) to provide position information for a variety of survei
- eye tracking source code used for hci div hr div B 文件列表 B : div div id()