- 最新图像轮廓透明度计算算法。 发表在今年的计算机视觉会议-latest image contours transparency calculation algorithm. Published in this year's Computer Vision Conference
- This software implements stereo algorithms described in the following papers: Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih \"Multi-Camera scene Reconstruction via Graph Cuts\" In: European Conference on Computer Vision, May 2002. Vladimir
- 我自己用vc写的一个图像分割的程序,先用分水岭算法得到一个初始的分割结果,然后根据每个小块的颜色和形状进行合并,最后得到一个统计最优的分割结果。相关算法可以参阅下面的文章 Xiao Chen He, Nelson H. C. Yung, K.P. Chow, Francis Y.L. Chin, Ronald H. Y. Chung, K. Y. K. Wong, Kenneth S.H. Tsang, “Watershed Segmentation with Boundary Curvat
- Object Detection Combining Recognition and Segmentation, Eighth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2007 源代码
- 基于HSI的彩色图像均衡算法,是发表于2008年EECS上文章的源码。-Hasan Demirel and Gholamreza Anbarjafari, "HSI Based Colour Image Equalization using Iterative nth Root and nth Power", 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems (EECS’08), November 27-28, 200
- 本算法是在openCV的平台下一种视频前景检测的方法,是Liyuan在ACM Multimedia 2003会议中发表的论文的思想-The algorithm is a platform in the openCV the prospects of a video detection method is Liyuan at the ACM Multimedia 2003 conference papers published in the idea
- 截止到2010.3.22,各种渠道收集到的国际图形图像顶级会议信息,希望对图形图像处理专业有志发SCI的同仁有用!-The latest document for the international image processing conference, will be helpful for those major in image processing publishing SCI.
- 该压缩包是某国际会议的论文选集。其中有许多精彩的论文。-The compressed package is a selection of the International Conference papers. Many of these wonderful papers.
- 一组关于视频跟踪的会议论文,很有参考价值-A set of conference papers on the video track, a good reference
- 一种对于图匹配优化问题对偶分解的算法实现-An implementation of a dual decomposition technique for the graph matching optimization problem described in Feature Correspondence via Graph Matching: Models and Global Optimization. Lorenzo Torresani, Vladimi
- 这是近几年计算机视觉领域的顶级会议 iccv和cvpr的关于图像跟踪的论文目录 对于涵如烟海的论文 这个目录能帮你更好的入门-This is the field of computer vision in recent years, the top conference iccv and cvpr papers on image tracking sea smoke catalog essay for the culvert this directory entry can help you b
- Fault location paper DWT technique Hong Kong conference 2010. Fault location paper DWT technique Hong Kong conference 2010.
- 2009年自动化大会及两化融合会议s1会场论文集,希望对大家有用!-Automation Conference 2009, and the integration of the two s1 hall meeting proceedings, we hope to be useful!
- 2009年自动化大会及两化融合会议s3分会场论文全集-Automation Conference 2009, and the integration of the two meetings at the venue s3 Complete thesis
- 二维三位数据 聚类并显示,These files implement the medoidshift algorithm described in: Yaser Ajmal Sheikh, Erum Arif Khan, Takeo Kanade, "Mode-seeking via Medoidshifts", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2007. -These files implement the medoi
- 目前最火的gpu技术大会精粹。从别人的代码学习并行和cuda框架-Currently the hottest gpu Technology Conference essence. Code to learn from others cuda framework for parallel and
- 提取图像方向梯度的直方图特征,image processing(图像处理)-HOG feature extraction Descr iption This program is used to extract HOG(Histograms of oriented gradients) features from images. The integral histogram is used for fast histogram extraction. Both APIs and b
- Object Recognition with Hierarchical Kernel Descr iptors,In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011.-Hierarchical Kernel Descr iptors.
- 基于共面线对多个平面区域提取,2011年ICRA国际会议的文章-Multiple Planar Region Extraction Based on the Coplanar Line Pairs, the articles of the 2011 ICRA International Conference
- 一个优秀的国外开源sift类库,曾在国际会议上获奖-An excellent open source sift class libraries abroad, at the International Conference on the award-winning