- 算法实现题1-2 平面几何问题 .问题描述: 试用C++ 的类来定义表示简单平面几何对象的抽象数据类型Geometry 。 (1) 用浮点数定义2 个几何量m1 和m2;m2 的缺省值为0.0。 (2) 实现2 个构造函数:允许用1 个参数或2 个参数声明几何对象。用1 个参数r 声明 的几何对象为半径为r 的圆;用2 个参数r1 和r2 声明的几何对象为r1′r2 的矩形。所声明 的几何对象的中心在原点。 (3) 定义计算几何对象的面积,周长和对角
- pso粒子群优化算法参数设置,是工具箱中结合部分的核心。-PSO PSO algorithm parameter settings, Toolbox is part of the integration of the core.
- 完整的canny边缘检测程序,内附canny算子说明文档一个。在运行前请先看说明文档,里面有vc参数设置的相关内容,-integrity of the canny edge detection procedures, enclosing canny operator documented one. Running before you look at documentation, which has vc parameter setting the relevant content
- 刚体配准方法中,通常使用Powell搜索方法来做参数优化方法,此类提供封装的Powell方法-rigid registration method, commonly used search methods do Powell parameter optimization method, Packaging for such methods Powell
- 如何在图像中加入某一固定snr的噪声?分类:matlab与图像处理 在利用matlab做一些自己算法的抗噪分析中,常常会遇到这个问题,matlab中的加噪函数是imnoise,里面的参数是噪声的均值,方差(高斯噪声)或者是感染概率(椒盐噪声),参数不能是snr值,但是很多国外的文章的噪声分析中都是用snr值来衡量加入噪声的程度的-how the image to a fixed snr noise? Categories : Matlab and image processing using
- 这是基于约束最大期望算法的matlab程序,对参数估计及图像分割有较大作用-This is based on expectations of the biggest constraint algorithm Matlab procedures, parameter estimation and image segmentation greater role
- dicom打印的参数设置软件。用来设置和激光相机相关的参数。-dicom Print parameter setting software. Used to set up cameras and laser related parameters.
- Rob Hess C implementation of SIFT that uses OpenCV. It allows for pretty detailed parameter tweaking (e.g. histogram size, DoG thresholds, etc.) If you need flexibility, this is pretty good.
- 使用高斯模型期望值最大化演算法,做圖形分割 Gaumix_EM: EM Algorithm Applicated to Parameter Estimation for Gaussian Mixture
- Rob Hess C implementation of SIFT that uses OpenCV. It allows for pretty detailed parameter tweaking (e.g. histogram size, DoG thresholds, etc.) If you need flexibility, this is pretty good. sift-1.1.1_20071108_win 修改了前面版本的几个地方
- The document teach about kalman filtering. Kalman filter is one of the popular filters that used for predict the parameter of the system.
- opencv检测线段,用到hough,非常使用的,This is a standalone program. Pass an image name as a first parameter of the program.
- 基于轮廓的图像分割参数模型(snake)源码,适合想学图像处理并对图像分割感兴趣的TX-Image segementation based on contour mode:parameter model. it is good for those students who are interesting in image processing and image segementation
- 对图像进行频域滤波,调用时需要提供原始图像和与原图像等大的频域滤波器作为参数,输出为经过滤波处理后又反变换回空域之后的图像。-The image frequency domain filtering, called the original image and the need to provide the original images with a large frequency domain filter as a parameter, then the output is filtere
- Opencv Haar training, the setting and parameter is configed. you can debug into the training process to get the whole flowchart of adaboost training.,Opencv Haar training, the setting and parameter is configed. you can debug into the training process
- 本程序是基于Matlab的米粒图像的分割、计数以及周长、面积、形状因子等参数的计算。图像分割是基于腐蚀膨胀算法,选用边界跟踪法计算周长,程序代码清晰明了,对于参数的计算速度较快,且参数计算精度较高。-This procedure is based on the Matlab image segmentation grain of rice, counting and perimeter, area, shape factor and other parameters of the calcula
- SVM回归中用的gridregression.py函数,用它来进行参数寻优,做了一些改动适用于windows。-SVM regression using the gridregression.py function, use it to carry out parameter optimization, has done some changes to apply to windows.
- 摄像头标定程序,基于OPECV,获得内部参数和外部参数,包括旋转矩阵,平移矩阵和两摄像头结构矩阵,-camera calibration, based on OPENCV, get intrinsic and extrinsic parameter, also get the structure parameter for two cameras.
- 求一个图像的最大内接矩形面积。 步骤: 1.相机标定。首先根据物像关系式求出其中的参数。注意参数求出后要进行参数校验。 2.从背景中分离出目标 3.边缘检测 4.目标形状参数计算。-For an image of the largest inscribed rectangle area. Steps: 1. Camera calibration. First of all object-image relationship in accordance with the par
- caffe中参数调整的说明,属于深度学习领域-Parameter adjustment in caffe