- 对视频和图像中的显著性目标进行提取,分别对图像的H,S,I三个分量做姓显著性分析,之后综合提取显著量-Video and image extraction significant targets, respectively, of the image H, S, I do name three significant components analysis to extract a significant amount after the integrated
- 一种均值加速中值滤波迭代算法 ,该算法不需要对所有像素的邻域值进行排序,而是对像素的邻域值有选择性的排序,排序后的中值直接替代原像素值-introduces a fast algor i thm of m edium f i ltering .T h e a l gor i thm chooses som e elem ents for sortin g order nota l l elem en ts by using th e m ean s of valu e. A nd the p
- 视频显著性检测方法包括各种SUN,VA等著名算法,便于效果比较和工程算法选择,全部C++实现,便于移植和嵌入式实现。-Video highlighting methods include a variety of SUN, VA and other famous algorithms to facilitate the comparison of results and engineering algorithm selection, all C++ implementation, easy t