- 此程序将3DS模型转换为gl模型和一个头文件,使得读3D模型变得非常简单,读者只需调用头文件中的Init函数,int model=GL3DS_initialize_xxx()t() 然后用glCallList(model) 即可绘制。-this procedure will be converted to 3DS model gl model and a header files, Reading makes 3 D model is very simple, readers can call
- 三维图形编辑器,可完成对三维图形的导入导出,以及很多对图形的基本操作 AppWizard has created this 3DEditor application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.-3
- char *className = \"OPENGL\" char *windowName = \"OPENGL彩色圆环编程示例\" int winX = 0, winY = 0 int winWidth =300, winHeight = 300 -char * className = "OpenGL" char * windowNa me = "Color Ring OpenGL Programming Example" int wi
- Open GL Line int main() { int gdriver=DETECT, gmode initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, \"c:\\\\tc\") lineBres(30,20,100,150) getch() closegraph() }
- 利用书中图5.19和图5.20的最大值堆实现一个优先队列。对于队列的操作应该支持下列几种指令: void enqueue[int ObjectID, int Priority] int dequeue[] void changeweight[int ObjectID, int newPriority] 函数enqueue向优先队列中插入一个ID号为ObjectID、优先级为Priority的新对象。函数dequeue从优先队列中删除优先级最高的对象,并返回该对象的
- 编写返回数组中最大元素数值的模板函数: template <class T> int Max(T Arr[],int n) -Prepared to return the largest element of the array value template function: template <class T> int Max (T Arr [], int n)
- 操作指导7水纹 一、 建立工程 二、 添加函数和变量,修改头文件(view.h) public: int npoint float lpoint[4][4] float cpoint[102][76][3] void drawplat() void lm() BOOL movekey CClientDC *my_pDC CRect my_oldRect BOOL mytbar BOOL mysbar
- openGL茶杯茶叶操作指导4------玻璃杯里的绿茶 一. 如操作指导(1)建立框架.见welcome2 二. 添加变量与函数并初始化 在VIEW类中加入公共变量 float tbh[6][5] //6片茶叶的角度、位置、大小 BOOL keyn //定义动画开关 在VIEW类中加入公共函数 void mytea(float x,int y) //定义绘制茶杯的函数 void tea3() //茶叶的函数 void lm() //光照和材质的函数
- 编写返回数组中最大元素数值的模板函数:template < class T> int Max(T Arr[],int n)-Prepared to return the largest element of the array value template function: template < class T> int Max (T Arr [], int n)
- The Roamsteps code base offers an introduction to implementing the ROAM algorithm for accurate, high-performance display of large terrain datasets. The ideas the original 1997 ROAM paper have been updated significantly in many respects: the basic dat