- 缩率较高,编译码算法也较为简单的LZ77算法-This algorithm of LZ77 has a good compression,besides it can also be made easily!
- Abstract:Thearticleismainlydevotedtothetheoryaswellastheachievementonthemodulationanddemodulationofπ/ 4-DQPSKsysteminthesoftwareSystemView.Besides,thearticleanalysesthedynamicandstatic behaviorsoftheπ/4-DQPSKsystemaswellastheperformanceagainstnoi
- 遍历是二叉树经常要遇到的一种操作.可以运用到二叉树结点计数,线索化二叉树,求二叉树的深度,表达式求值等算法中.在遍历的过程中,对结点的访问具有普遍的含义,可以是输出各结点的数据域信息,也可以是对结点作其他处理.另外,通过一次完整的遍历,可使二叉树中结点信息由非线性排列变为某种意义上的线性排列.也就是说,遍历操作使非线性结构线性化. -traverse binary tree is frequently encountered in a operation. Binary Tree ca
- AdaBoost is an efficient tool in machine learning. It can combine a series of weak learners into a strong learner. Besides pattern classification, it also can be applied into feature selection. This document explains the use of AdaBoost.
- 压缩和解压文件,是一个好的解压缩工具,还是一个比较好的系统工具。-It s a good tool for compression and decompression,besides it s also a good system tool!
- 这是一个一元稀疏多项式计算器 能够实现多项式的输出 降幂 还有加法 减法 乘法功能 除此之外还有能够对不同阶数的线性方程组求解 对于无解时会提醒。此程序供大家参考。-This is a one yuan sparse polynomial calculator can realize the output power and down polynomial function besides addition and subtraction method to different order nu
- 台湾林智仁教授编写的svm工具箱,比较好用,是众多SVM工具箱中相当经典的一个,被国内外很多学者所引用。-This tool has been developed by professor Chih-Jen Lin of TaiWan.It is easy to use.Besides it was widely used by scholars all over the world.
- 本实验基于K-Means聚类算法思想实现了字符分割,因为车牌规定是7位的,所以K取7。另外本实验对K-Means算法进行了改进,充分考虑了初始点的设置及迭代结束条件。实验结果证明这种改进的K-Means算法实现车牌字符分割是快速、有效的。-In this study, K-Means clustering algorithm based on the ideology of the character segmentation, because the license plate require
- These programs simulate a FIR digital filter, besides giving a proof of it
- This program places dates on time axis as DATETICK and works with ZOOM and PAN as DATETICKZOOM by Christophe Lauwerys. But, it also shows the full date after zooming or panning by using the ticks and time-axis label. So, if you zoom in down to second
- 有限体积法及其在边值问题中的应用本文介绍了极小位能原理、虚功原理和Ritz-Galerkin方法.主要讨论了椭圆型方程定解问题的有限体积法和双曲型方程定解问题的有限体积法,简要说明了椭圆型方程定解问题的有限体积法的收敛性和近似解误差估计.另外,针对矩形域上一个泊松方程的具体定解问题,导出了它的一种特殊有限体积格式,并且编程实现,计算出该泊松方程定解问题的数值解,将算出的数值解与问题的精确解进行了简单比较,得到了初步的结论.在具体例子中用的是一种特殊的有限体积格式,它可以化为五点差分格式,它比较简
- Do you still use GINPUT to graphically select points on current axes with the mouse? Try this one! With GINPUT2 you can also: 1. ZOOM: in, out (double-click)! 2. PAN: when dragging! 3. DELETE: last selected point! 4. PLOT: while sele
- This guide can draw a mandelbrot figure. In default values it calculates Z=Z^2+C for 20 iterations, where Z initally equal to zero and C has the values of every pixel created by meshgrid function(built-in). although mandelbrot equation is Z=Z^2+
- 本压缩包包含ASK,FSK,PSK,CDMA调制方式的实现,均为simulink。 另外有chirp调制,以及几种方式误码率的比较。-This folder contains ASK, FSK, PSK, CDMA modulation implemented by Simulink. Besides,there is also chirp modulation, and comparison on the error rate.
- heap sort is the other (and by far the most popular) in-place non-recursive sorting algorithm used in this test. Heap sort is not the fastest possible in all (nor in most) cases, but it s the de-facto sorting algorithm when one wants to make sure tha
- is the other (and by far the most popular) in-place non-recursive sorting algorithm used in this test. Heap sort is not the fastest possible in all (nor in most) cases, but it s the de-facto sorting algorithm when one wants to make sure that the sort
- 在n个城市之间修建高速公路,使任意两个城市之间都有城市相连,且费用最少-Build roads between some cities, make sure that you can get anywhere from everywhere,besides, the cost is least
- hallenge to the use of supervised neural networks in data mining applications is to get explicit knowledge from these models. For this purpose, a clustering genetic algorithm for rule extraction from artiÞ cial neural networks is developed. T
- 程序为常规AM,DSB,SSB调幅信号的调制与解调的MATLAB程序,其中单边带调制用两种方法进行调制:一种为频谱直接变换,另一种为希尔伯特变换实现-MATLAB for norm AM,DSB and SSB modulation and demodulation,besides,modulation for SSB,has tow ways:frequency spectrum transform and hilbert transform
- This Matlab code shows how to perform edge detection by Sobel method in horizontal & vertical direction and the effect of increasing and decreasing the threshold value . Besides, you can try to perform the edge detection by other method in the same w