- VoIM是一个基于Java的 Jabber客户端,除了能够发送和接收语音消息外,还可以提供优秀的文本即时消息功能。-VoIM is based on the Java Jabber customer end, besides can transmit and receive the pronunciation news, but also may provide the outstanding text immediate news function.
- 缩率较高,编译码算法也较为简单的LZ77算法-This algorithm of LZ77 has a good compression,besides it can also be made easily!
- 产生随机的网络拓扑(包括节点位置及流量),然后产生所有可能的进度表并计算其可达到的速率。另外,也可用更为精确的物理层模型来进行速率计算。-random network topology (including the location and flow nodes), and then have all the possible schedule and calculate the rate can be achieved. Besides, it also can be used for mor
- 一个较全面的44b0的bios 其中除了包含一般bios的内容之外,还增加了强大的网络功能- More comprehensive 44b0 bios besides contains general bios the content, but also increased the formidable network function nf
- SUIPack is a suite of WYSIWYG VCL skin components for Delphi & C++Builder. It provides you the ability to create professional-UI-designed skin and implementations for your applications. Besides the alternative for standard controls, SUIPack provides
- This a full 3-tier dababase application which includes a activex dll project(business objects) and a standard exe(UI). Besides all the database techniques it demonstrates, it also shows how to make MSHFlexgrid a editable grid(with combobox, checkbox,
- 该代码是我为朋友做的,就是没做完。不过其中的内存管理很有价值。有兴趣的可以看看; 另外一个处理位图的控件也应该很不错。这里边我用到的MFCRT其中界面风格很不一样。-The code for my friends do is not done. However, for the memory management of great value. Interested parties can look at; Besides dealing with a bitmap Controls sho
- Abstract:Thearticleismainlydevotedtothetheoryaswellastheachievementonthemodulationanddemodulationofπ/ 4-DQPSKsysteminthesoftwareSystemView.Besides,thearticleanalysesthedynamicandstatic behaviorsoftheπ/4-DQPSKsystemaswellastheperformanceagainstnoi
- API calls interception is the task that allows you to get access to some parts of others programs. Lots of programmers spend time developing and describing various methods that allow that access. Such methods are used in many anti-virus and anti-spyw
- 遍历是二叉树经常要遇到的一种操作.可以运用到二叉树结点计数,线索化二叉树,求二叉树的深度,表达式求值等算法中.在遍历的过程中,对结点的访问具有普遍的含义,可以是输出各结点的数据域信息,也可以是对结点作其他处理.另外,通过一次完整的遍历,可使二叉树中结点信息由非线性排列变为某种意义上的线性排列.也就是说,遍历操作使非线性结构线性化. -traverse binary tree is frequently encountered in a operation. Binary Tree ca
- 工程运行时,首先要通过文件“打开 载入图片foot.bmp,而后才可以进行脚形检测 操作。模块必须按照先后顺序进行,而且各个模块内的各项操作也必须按照菜单栏从上至下的顺序来进行。-operation of the project, the first document adopted "open foot.bmp included in the photo, and can only proceed after foot-detection operation. Blocks mu
- 演示了msxml1.0的基本用法,自己实现了在别人的基础上封装了xml4.0操作的类,还演示了利用msxmlwriter格式化输出xml的功能。另外附加了从资源中释放msxml并注册的功能关键词:-demonstration of the basic usage, in the realization of our own people on the basis of the Packaging category xml4.0 operation, also demonstrated the u
- 绝大多数的win98用户,在使用USB存储设备时需要安装厂家的驱动程序,而且 各个厂家的驱动只能驱动自家的USB存储设备,很不方便。 现在我在win2000 winme分离出来的USB驱动,可以使win98的用户象win2000、 XP、ME使用USB盘一样方便了。(不用四处找驱动)-majority of the win98 users, the use of USB storage equipment manufacturers need to install the driv
- 本系统为在线相册系统,使用方法(这里假定Tomcat 安装在本机,且为缺省的配置): 1、在Tomcat的Webapps目录下建立一个目录,例如oa 。 2、将程序代码的build/web/目录下的全部文件复制 到Tomcat的webapps目录下oa目录。 3、启动Tomcat 4、在地址栏中输入http://localhost:8080/oa 缺省用户: Robin 管理员, 密码:111111 RL 用户, 密码:
- 我51单片机系统实验做的,,实现功能是:进水,定时,洗衣,甩衣,放水,,动作由LED指示。注:定时不超过10分钟-I do experiments on the system, and achieve functional : influent, regular clothes, robe, and, besides, LED instructions from the movement. Note : Timing is not more than 10 minutes
- 一套简单的ASP在线人数统计程序,可将其嵌套在首页上用来统计在线人数,除此之外还可以显示在线人的IP地址,简单实用,快快下载-a simple online ASP number statistical procedures can be nested in its homepage on the statistics for the number of online, Besides online can also show the IP address, simple and practic
- aceDetection工程运行时,首先要通过文件“打开 载入图片face.bmp,而后才可以进行人脸检测 操作,需要强调的是人脸区域检测、眼睛的检测与定位、人嘴的检测与定位、人脸的勾勒四个处理 模块必须按照先后顺序进行,而且各个模块内的各项操作也必须按照菜单栏从上至下的顺序来进行。 另外,由于在人脸检测时用到了先验知识,所以目前只能对给定的图片face.bmp进行处理。-aceDetection running, First to file "opened face.bm
- 详细介绍51单片机操作系统,包括keilc编译环境的库函数以及其功能,还有如何调用这些函数。-detailed 51 microcontroller operating systems, including keilc build environment of the library function and its function. Besides calling these functions.
- Using the UnderC Tokenizer Class It s often necessary to parse complex text files, where standard i/o is too clumsy. C programmers fall back on strtok(), but this can be tricky to use properly. Besides, you are still responsible for keeping
- 多页码Djvu文件编码。单页文件解码编码。不支持彩色和灰度图象。 minidjvu is a multipage DjVu encoder and single page encoder/decoder. No colors or grayscales - just black and white. Besides DjVu, minidjvu understands PBM, Windows BMP and TIFF (through libtiff).