- 该代码是我为朋友做的,就是没做完。不过其中的内存管理很有价值。有兴趣的可以看看; 另外一个处理位图的控件也应该很不错。这里边我用到的MFCRT其中界面风格很不一样。-The code for my friends do is not done. However, for the memory management of great value. Interested parties can look at; Besides dealing with a bitmap Controls sho
- Using the UnderC Tokenizer Class It s often necessary to parse complex text files, where standard i/o is too clumsy. C programmers fall back on strtok(), but this can be tricky to use properly. Besides, you are still responsible for keeping
- 编写简易编译器,能发现分隔符匹配的错误如括号、注释符的匹配问题,都能检测出来-delimiter matching The simple algorithm uses a stack and is as follows: Make an empty stack. Read characters until end of file. If the character is an open anything, push it onto the stack. If it is a close
- Tiny Planet is small device connected to a GSM cell phone. When the mobile receives a predefined SMS (text message), like "Activate burglar alarm" or "Start backup pump", the circuit automatically recognizes it as a command, and switches the output p
- 用STARES598PCI单板开发机设计一个应用接口芯片作为四个七段LED数码管的输出口,编写一段程序,使8个LED数码管依次闪烁左移显示从输入口的逻辑开关读入的4位数字,闪烁频率为每秒一次。其外,还需实现一些附加功能,比如:可控制左移还是右移;可重新输入另外一个四位数;输入时可回显;以及输入时的十六进制到十进制的转换的等问题。-Machine Design STARES598PCI veneer developed with an application interface chip as t
- GT Component Pack Version 1.0.70 Component Count : 70 TgtStatusBar TgtIPEdit TgtDayCombo TgtMonthCombo TgtYearCombo TgtDateCtrlManager Statusbar with advanced properties.Panels which can host any type of control besides the default.
- 论文首先介绍了传统的语音特征参数MFCC,它是基于人耳听觉 特性设计的一种特征参数,在静音环境下能得到较高的识别率,但在 信噪比较低时识别率急剧下降,不利于实用化。本文通过对MFCC算 法的分析和研究,发现其中的FFT和DCT在整个时频空间使用固定的 。分析窗,这不符合语音信号特性,而小波变换具有多分辨率特性,更 符合人耳的听觉特性。因此,本文将小波变换和MFCC算法相结合, 提出了三种新的语音识别特-Speech recognition has wide use in
- 2/3编译码器,编码译码正确并能纠正错误-2/3 codec, it can encode and decode besides it can correct the error right
- 语音识别的一些基础理论以及语音识别各个组成部分:预处理,参数提取,模式匹配,每个部分有多种详细的方法介绍。还包括说话人识别,语种识别,关键词识别。-basic theory of speech recognition and its component:pre-processing,extraction of parameters,matching.Each section has many method to be supplied.Besides,there are recognition
- 在LabVIEW环境下实现全景照相。在手动转动摄像头前提下,程序实现图像拼接,照片保存。-BASED on LabVIEW the program can achieve the function which panoramic camera can do,besides, it can also let you save your photos in your hardwire while your camer is connect with the computer
- This vi realise the function that when your mouse moves in the graph, the cursor s value will be showed besides the mouse.
- Julius 是一种高性能,两通大词汇量连续语音识别(LVCSR)语音相关的研究和开发的解码器软件。基于字的N-gram和上下文相关的HMM模型,它可以进行几乎实时实时解码目前大多数电脑在60K字听写任务。完全纳入,如树的N-gram词汇,保,跨词的上下文依赖处理,包围梁搜索,高斯修剪,高斯的选择,除了搜索效率等各大搜索技术,它也是模块化小心从模型结构独立,如共享状态triphones的和并列混合模型与任意数量的混合物,州或手机,支持各种HMM的类型。采用标准格式,以配合HTK的,债务工具中央结
- 飞机的设计和制造一直是与性能优异的材料 联系在一起。20世纪60年代中期以碳纤维为增强体 的复合材料问世,70年代初开始应用于军用飞机 结构,80年代开始应用于民用飞机结构。复合材料 具有比强度高和比刚度高的独特优点,飞机结构 采用复合材料,其重量可相应减少20%~30%[1]。此 外,复合材料还具有可设计性强、疲劳性能好、耐 腐蚀、易于大面积整体成型、维护性好等优点。目 前,复合材料已经成为重要的飞机结构材料。(he design and manufacture of airc
- 文件包含了对daq设备进行频率、电压的检测,tdms文件读取和存储,对信号进行滤波等频谱分析等vi(this file contains the VIs that can measure the frequency and the amplitude of the NI daq equipments, it also gives the VIs that can read/write data from/into tdms files, besides, it shows how to ana