- breakthrough游戏(保持小球在屏幕上跳动)源程序,也许对你有帮助-breakthrough game (keeping balls on the screen beating) source, perhaps to help you
- 彩票双色球预测算法代码,需要往期开奖历史数据作为参考!-Loans lottery prediction algorithm code, the need to view historical data as a reference data!
- 微软的一道题目,有12个外表一模一样的小球,其中有一个的质量和其他11个球不一样(11个球的质量完全相同),而且该球不知道是轻点还是重点。现在给你一个天平(无砝码),只有3次测量机会,请你找出该球。球号从a到l(小写)-Microsoft' s one topic, there are 12 look exactly the same ball, one of which the quality and not the same as the other 11 balls (11 ball
- 两个关于小球的 matlab 示例 小程序-Two examples of small balls small program matlab
- A very interesting game to play amongst two players....Requires a lot of logic-Steps to follow -Execute game.m -hit start button -play and enjoy:) Rules to play -In their respective turns,each player will chose a cell to drop ur tok
- Matlab image processing code to detect red and blue balls falling from a height
- 有12个外表一模一样的小球,其中有一个的质量和其他11个球不一样(11个球的质量完全相同) 而且该球不知道是轻点还是重点。现在给你一个天平(无砝码),只有3次测量机会,请你找出该球。-12 looks exactly the same ball, which has a quality and not the same as the other 11 balls (11 balls in the quality of the identical) and that the ball doe
- 称球问题:从12个球中三次称出其中唯一的坏球-Ball said the problem: three from 12 balls, said balls out of which only
- The code is useful for solving partial differential equations such as the advection equation, the 2 dimensional heat equation. Also contains code to simulate two falling balls align in one axis with rebound. Also has some code for imple
- 用于小型足球机器人比赛中识别机器人和球,使用阈值的方法-to recognize soccer robots and balls
- 计算滚动部件润滑特性的程序,可以清晰看到向个重要参数对润滑的影响-analy of the lutricute of balls
- 应用遗传算法进行电机运行故障检测,分别为电机轴承滚珠故障、电机轴承内圈故障、电机轴承滚珠和内圈组合故障,其中以40组数据为训练样本,4组数据为测试样本。-Motor fault detection based on Genetic Algorithms,Motor ball bearing failure, the the motor bearing inner ring failure, the motor bearing balls and inner ring combination fa
- Machine learning - balancing a stack of balls
- Machine learning - balancing a stack of balls
- 今盒子里有n个小球,A、B两人轮流从盒中取球,每个人都可以看到另一个人取了多少个,也可以看到盒中还剩下多少个,并且两人都很聪明,不会做出错误的判断。 -This box n balls, A, B two turns from the box to take the ball, everyone can see another person take the number, you can also see the left box, and two very smart, does not
- LAITH Graphical Simulation of an elevator system laith() creates a GUI with the number of floors as input. Granting this number creates a building with this number of floors and an elevator that moves up and down in it according to the will of
- 我们将乱序的红白蓝三色小球排列成有序的红白蓝三色的同颜色在一起的小球组-We will be out of order red, white and blue ball arranged in order of red, white and blue color with small balls
- 基于matlab的三维边界元法。可以计算金属球,金属棒,金属圆环等结构的远场光散射和场分布。-Matlab-based three-dimensional boundary element method. You can calculate the metal balls, metal rods, metal ring structures such as the far-field light scattering and field distribution.
- 牛顿法球方程,计算每一步迭代结果以及最终迭代次数-Newton' s Law balls equation to calculate the results of each iteration and the final iterations
- 先画出两个小球,再根据参数设置让两小球进行碰撞试验-Firstly,it draws two balls, then according to the parameter settings let two ball impact test