- 一款接球游戏,游戏中使用DirectX 7,图形较为流畅,每秒高达50桢。具有较高的计算机人工智能.英文介绍:DX pong is a neat pong game that uses DirectX 7. I wrote it in just one day and the graphics are smooth - over 50 fps! There are sound FX too, but the best thing about the game is the computer AI
- python同色球游戏,全部源码。选择消灭所有相同颜色同色球,直到所有的球消失。剩余球失败。 源程序来源于newsmth.net的python信区。-python same color ball game, all-source. Choice of the same color to eliminate all the same color balls until all the ball disappeared. The remaining signal failure. Newsmth.n
- 8球游戏 This is an electronic version of the classic Magic 8-Ball - with all 20 original answers.-game with eight balls. This is an electronic version of the classic Magic 8-Ball - with all 20 original answers.
- 迷宫探险游戏是一个在turboC2环境下编写的小游戏,该游戏是根据DxBall撞球游戏进行设计的具有简单的撞球功能的游戏-maze is an adventure game in turboC2 environment prepared by the small games, the game is based DxBall balls for the design of the game is simple function of the pool games. .
- 我刚找到的撞球游戏原代码.rar是一个横好玩的游戏不知道你玩过没有-I just find the original game code balls. Rar Wang is a fun game played not know that you do not
- 这是一个相当棒的Linux下的台球游戏,其图象水准及其游戏性绝对不输Windows的著名同类游戏snooker,包含了斯诺克和九球。如果您是一个台球爱好者或是想在Linux中实现台球大师的梦想,就一定不要错过这个游戏。 -This is a very rods under Linux billiards game, its image quality and gameplay absolutely no losers Windows similar to the famous game
- 台球的碰状算法,这里只写了3个球的,希望能对大家有点帮助,不过没有加摩擦-billiards - like algorithm, was here only three balls in the hope that we can help a bit, but not added to friction
- XNA的例子.Balls.zip
- Java animation programs for Java bouncing balls
- 一个非常有意思的屏保程序,用C++做的,实现彩球不同角度的碰撞-A very interesting screen saver, using C++ to do to achieve different angles of collision colored balls
- 使用VC++2005绘制了十二个不同材质的小球,通过此程序可以轻松理解OpenGL中材质和光照的使用方法。-Drawn using VC++2005 twelve balls of different materials, this program can be easily understood by OpenGL in the use of materials and lighting.
- 在游戏开发中,应用正确的物理定律可以逼真地模拟游戏中任何弹跳、飞行、翻滚、滑行或非静止的物体,以建立令人注目且真实的游戏、动画内容。 本书从基础讲起,借助形象的范例程序,介绍了如何在游戏开发中加入物理真实性并丰富游戏内容,使游戏更加灵活生动。全书共分三部分。第一部分是复习基本概念及讨论刚体动力学的机械力学初级课程;第二部分将这些问题应用到现实生活的问题上,例如抛射体、船舰、飞机和汽车;第三部分介绍即时模拟器并示范了如何将其应用到游戏开发中。 对于希望增加物理真实性的游戏开发人员,本书乃绝
- 12球问题 你能用天平称量3次得出结果吗?-12 Balls. Can you weigh the balls in 3 times to make it?
- 称球问题:从12个球中三次称出其中唯一的坏球-Ball said the problem: three from 12 balls, said balls out of which only
- It is a simple moving ball screensaver, in which two balls bounce back from the wall of the console.
- Camera Calibration by a Single Image of Balls- From Conics to the Absolute Conic
- Balls can have gravity, bounce off each other elastically or inelastically, the walls can wrap, the user can increase their speed or the gravity and more. Source code included.
- 自己写的关于光照的实验,12个球体赋予不同的光照显示不同的效果 适合初学者学习 并且有标注-Write my own experiments on the light, and 12 balls to give different light display different effects for beginners to learn and there are marked
- This gives you either colliding balls or worms, depending on the parameter op . PIX_CLR gives you balls, PIX_SET gives you worms. -This gives you either colliding balls or worms, depending on the parameter op . PIX_CLR gives you balls, PIX_SET giv
- 原生js实现适应手机移动端的多球随机运动(Native JS to the mobile phone side of the multi ball random motion)