- Moving to GitHub -Moving to GitHub Moving to GitHub
- 全部源码的StormLib库,包含API来处理MPQ。可在Windows,Linux和Mac OS。也可永远GitHub。-Full sources of the StormLib library, containing APIs for handling MPQ archives. Works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Also available on GitHub.
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- DeepLearnToolbox_CNN_lzbV2.0 深度学习,卷积神经网络,Matlab工具箱 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusberg
- CNN - 主程序 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox 作者:陆振波 电子
- python implementation of some of the threshold methods in the AutoThreshold ImageJ plugin: https://github.com/fiji/Auto_Threshold/
- 当前的很多海洋数据都是海量数据,传统的ftp下载费时费磁盘,因此,openDAP方式越来越多,通过opendap可以选择直接需要的时间、空间范围内的资料。nctoolbox结合matlab实用,效果非常好的opendap工具包-NCTOOLBOX- 20130305 Full instructions and documentation at: http://code.google.com/p/nctoolbox/ We are in the progress of mo
- Windows下的caffe源码,转载自github-caffe source code under Windows, reprinted github
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- HyperOpt:分布式异步超参数优化 HyperOpt是串行和并行优化Python库用于搜索空间,它可以包括实值的,离散的,有条件的维度.(hyperopt: Distributed Asynchronous Hyper-parameter Optimization Hyperopt is a Python library for serial and parallel optimization over awkward search spaces, which may incl
- HyperOpt:分布式异步超参数优化 HyperOpt是串行和并行优化Python库用于搜索空间,它可以包括实值的,离散的,有条件的维度.(hyperopt: Distributed Asynchronous Hyper-parameter Optimization Hyperopt is a Python library for serial and parallel optimization over awkward search spaces, which may incl
《神经网络与深度学习》Michael Nielsen
- 这本书最初是我学习 Neural Networks and Deep Learning 时做的中?笔记,因为原书中有很 A A 多数学公式,所以我? LT E X 来编写和排版,并将所有 LT E X 源码放置在 GitHub。其中部分内容 取? Xiaohu Zhu 已经完成的翻译来避免重复的?作。(This book was originally Neural Networks and Deep Learning I learned to do in notes, because there
- 通过caffe和matlab,实现cnn网络(supported by https://github.com/soumith/inception.torch NN support means both CPU and GPU backends. You can also use Caffe inside Torch with this: https://github.com/szagoruyko/torch-caffe-binding However you can't use bo
- 在ubuntu下实现cnn网络,有相关数据集(CNN_Torch7 ========== This code use the code of Supervised Learning tutorial of Torch7. I add the loading of image by using graphicsMagick for Torch7. 1. for the code intepretation: http://code.madbits.com/wiki/doku.php?id
- GitHub is home to over 20 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together
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- java 朴素贝叶斯 机器学习 情感分类器(java naivebayes machinelearing)
- 是一种神经网络框架,在其基础上可以实现物体检测,图像分类,模式识别功能。(Darknet is a neural network framework written in C and CUDA. It is fast, easy to install, and supports CPU and GPU computation. You can find the source on GitHub or you can read more about what Darknet can do righ
- 这个代码是github上tensorflow版本的DCGAN(This code is the tensorflow version of DCGAN on GitHub)