- mpq文件的格式就是一种压缩格式,把多个文件压缩在一个数据文件里(很多公司的游戏,比如KCET的实况足球,奥汀的三国群英传都是用的类似的技术存储数据),使用时再进行文件的读取。当时几个著名的mpq处理库为lmpqapi,sfmpq和storm.dll函数入口,前两者因为能够修改mpq的内容而被广泛用于各种Blizzard游戏硬修改中,至于storm.dll的函数入口则因为良好的兼容性主要用于读取文件。-MPQ document format is a compressed format, in
- 其中包括图像压缩的基本编码方法如Huffman编码\\算术编码\\JPEG 2000\\H.261压缩编码标准\\小波变换编码\\运动估计算法\\视频图象采集的VC实现等.-including the basic image compression coding methods as Huffman coding \\ arithmetic coding \\ JPEG 2 000 \\ H.261 coding standard \\ Wavelet Transform Coding \\ m
- 1. 实现任一种统计压缩算法(如:Shannon-Fano编码、Huffman编码、算术编码等),并对自定义文件进行压缩和解压,检验结果。 2. 采用C/C++编写程序 -1. The realization of a statistical compression algorithm (eg : Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman coding, arithmetic coding, etc.), as well as from the definition f
- 不同的显示器适配器有不同的图形分辨率。即使是同一显示器适配器,在不同模式下也有不同分辨率。因此,在屏幕作图之前,必须根据显示器适配器的种类将显示器设置成为某种图形模式。在未设置图形模式之前,微机系统默认屏幕为文本模式(80列,25行字符模式),此时所有图形函数均不能工作。-different display adapters with different graphics resolution. Even with the same display adapter, in different m
- 随着计算机技术的普及应用,动画技术作为计算机图形学的一部分, 已广泛用于制作动画片、游戏和进行辅助教学等方面。 所谓动画技术指的是屏幕上显示出来的画面或者其中的一部分,能够按照一定的规则及要求在屏幕上移动或变幻,从而实现由计算机显示的图形能够动态变换。可见,实现动画的关键在于图形生成、复现和消隐。-With the popularity of computer technology applications, animation, computer graphics as part of
- 在C语言中,可以用keep ( )函数将程序驻留内存。这个函数有两个参数:status和size。size为驻留内存长度,可以用size=_SS+_SP/16-_psp得到,当然这也是一种估算的方法,并不是精确值。函数执行完以后,出口状态信息保存在status中。比如,对于上面的例子,将“geninterrupt (0x60) ”改写成“keep(0,_SS+_SP/16-_psp) ”后再执行程序,这一段程序就被驻留,此后在其它的任何软件或程序设计中,只要用到了60H号中断,就会在屏幕上显示“
- JPEG压缩编码系统源代码,做好了封装,用户可方便的加入到自己的系统中. -JPEG compression coding system source code as good a package, the user can conveniently added to the system.
- linux系统下实现数据压缩的小波方法,以能量保持率作为标准进行压缩处理。-under the wavelet data compression methods to maintain the rate of energy as a standard compressed.
- 给定若干个字符及其对应的权重,建造一颗高度尽可能小的Huffman树及字符的Huffman编码。-given a number of characters and their corresponding weights, construction of a high as possible Huffman tree and the character of Huffman coding.
- DIGITAL IMAGERY is pervasive in our world today. Consequently, standards for the efficient representation and interchange of digital images are essential. To date, some of the most successful still image compression standards have resulted fr
- 该程序把数字图像处理与小波变换结合起来,可以出色地完成如图像对比度增强和图像融合等其他方法处理效果不佳的处理技术。-digital image processing and wavelet transform, integrate can be completed as excellent image contrast enhancement and image fusion, and other methods to deal with the effects of poor treatmen
- c语言编写的操作系统存储管理程序,比较简单,可作为参考。-c language operating system memory management procedures are relatively simple, can be used as reference.
- As of UnZip 5.42, this source has been removed from Info-ZIP s UnZip source distribution because of its conflicting copyright. There are no plans to ever rewrite this code from scratch, because the unreduce algorithm was never used in the \"
- 自70年代被Bloom提出以来,Bloom Filters作为一种空间高效利用的紧凑数据结构,其不但能够对一个数据集合进行压缩表示而且能够支持集合的成员关系判断,在网络领域得到广泛应用。-since the 1970s Bloom, Bloom Filters as a space efficient use of compact data structure, not only its right to a data set can be compressed and expressed su
- 海康威视网络监控中间件SIPDVR-SIPDV-Haikangwei as network monitoring middleware SIPDVR - SIPDV
- 基于Huffman编码的压缩程序,支持所有文件,压缩率视文件而定-Huffman coding based on the compression process, support for all documents, document compression rate, as determined
- 都是基于VB所做的程序集合,值得大家作为实践的参考资料.-are based on the procedures set done, we as a practice worthy of reference.
- 基于.net的c#压缩程序,支持zip等格式-based. The net c # compression procedures, such as zip format support
- DWT变换源代码,As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and li
- a new mathematical and algorithmic framework for unsupervised image segmentation, which is a critical step in a wide variety of image processing applications. We have found that most existing segmentation methods are not successful on histopa