- LZW was originally designed for implementation by special hardware, but it turned out to be highly suitable for efficient software implementations too. An enhanced variant is available on UNIX systems and many other systems as the compress comman
- 简单易懂的之子形扫描程序,用于mpeg压缩编码中的之字形扫描。采用循环结构,逻辑思路清晰。-Easy to understand, son-shaped scanner used to mpeg compression in the zigzag scan. Cyclic structure, logic, clear thinking.
- USB接口虚拟逻辑分析仪 -USB interface USB interface Virtual Logic Analyzer Virtual Logic Analyzer
- Proteus VSM includes a number of virtual instruments including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyser, Function Generator, Pattern Generator, Counter Timer and Virtual Terminal as well as simple voltmeters and ammeters.
- Proteus VSM includes a number of virtual instruments including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyser, Function Generator, Pattern Generator, Counter Timer and Virtual Terminal as well as simple voltmeters and ammeters.
- Proteus VSM includes a number of virtual instruments including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyser, Function Generator, Pattern Generator, Counter Timer and Virtual Terminal as well as simple voltmeters and ammeters.
- 自己做的一个关于模糊逻辑的控制器,输入隶属函数为高斯型,输出为三角型-a fuzzy logic controller
- JAVA课程设计 基于WEB的自动出题系统-Lianliankan game is a popular cult to small game, used for testing and training game logic and the gear wheels.
- 实现Huffman编码、解码功能。 主函数的流程:定义Huffman树T并初始化T。提示手动输入文本文件或者加载 已存在的文本文件,然后程序进入主菜单Main Menue(),根据输 入的选择项调用相应的函数、实现相应的逻辑功能。-Achieve Huffman encoding, decoding functions. The main function of the process: Define Huffman tree T and initialize T. P
- this code consist of clustring based on Gran metod and fuzzy logic in 2000 round and by means of this code you can see network life time
- this code is foe fuzzy logic based on 2 level energy and centrality and useful to experiment
- This code is clustering in wsn based on fuzzy logic and you can see network life time in this experiment and number of cluster head per round
- 正弦信号发生器的设计,正弦信号发生器的结构由3 部分组成。数据计数器或地址发生器、数据ROM 和D/A。性能良好的正弦信号发生器的设计要求此3 部分具有高速性能,且数据ROM 在高速条件下,占用最少的逻辑资源,设计流程最便捷,波形数据获最方便。下图是此信号发生器结构图,顶层文件SINGT.VHD 在FPGA 中实现,包含2 个部分:ROM 的地址信号发生器,由5 位计数器担任,和正弦数据ROM,拒此,ROM由LPM_ROM模块构成能达到最优设计,LPM_ROM底层是FPGA中的EAB或ESB等。
- 根据文件比较算法逻辑,进行的文件比较的简单实现。-Depending on the file comparison algorithm logic for file compare simple to achieve.
- ProFx30分钟图指标交易分析系统在国外卖121美金,原来汇客中国也是做为商业指标的,为了答谢广大投资这对汇客中国外汇网站的支持 现在特免费提供出来供大家分析参考! 作者有多年的MetaQuotes编程语言的经验。分析了外汇市场有超过6年。自08/2007起盈利+34320 Pips This is a manual trading strategy designed for the Meta Trader 4 platform with clear trading rul
- This paper presents the modeling and implementation of a three-phase DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator) using STF (Self Tuning Filter) based IRPT (Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory) control algorithm for power quality improvement. It is
- java实现文件或文件夹的压缩,有图形化界面,通过javafx实现的Gui,非swing,压缩解压缩均有进度条显示。-Use java prepared feibook simple version, the interface is written in JavaFX, swing, the business logic of the package. LAN to achieve transmission messages, send and receive documents.