- 这是我在学数据结构(严蔚敏版)时的上机作业,包含哈夫曼树、图的遍历、文学研究助手(处理字符串)、多项式计算器、矩阵计算器、马踏棋盘、停车场管理、约瑟夫环的成功运行源程序。它们都是对经典数据结构及其之间的组合的练习。-This is my school data structure (Yan Wei-min version) when the machine operations, including Huffman tree, graph traversal, literature resear
- POJ3273 Monthly Expense题解 题目分析: 给出N个数,要求你合并连续的数,使其合并在满足不差过M个合并后的集合的时候,不超过M个集合的和的最大值最小。-Farmer John is an astounding accounting wizard and has realized he might run out of money to run the farm. He has already calculated and recorded the exact amo
- 一个欧拉回路的应用实例。一个农夫要巡视农场,要求每条路都要来回走一遍(即每条路走两遍且两遍的方向不同),求其解决方案。该问题的核心问题就是如何求欧拉回路。-Application examples of a Euler. A farmer to farm inspections required every road should go back and forth again (that is the way to go twice and twice each in a different