- 使用遗传算法求一个多项式函数在区间[0,37]之间的极大值,编程环境采用Matlab6.0。-The use of genetic algorithm for a polynomial function in the interval [0,37] between the maximum value, the use of programming environment Matlab6.0.
- 一辆汽车加满油后可行驶n公里。旅途中有若干个加油站。设计一个有效算法,指出应在哪些加油站停靠加油,使沿途加油次数最少。对于给定的n和k个加油站位置,编程计算最少加油次数。并证明算法能产生一个最优解-Fill up the car after driving an n km. There are a number of gas stations journey. Design an efficient algorithm that at which stations should stop to
- 使用贪心法实现最优加油问题,给定距离可加油站的位置及距离,确定加油站的次序!-Using the greedy method to achieve optimal fuel problem, given the location and distance from the station to determine the order of the gas station!
- 需要在某个城市n个居民小区之间铺设煤气管道,则在这n个居民小区之间只需要铺设n-1条管道即可。假设任意两个小区之间都可以铺设管道,但由于地理环境不同,所需要的费用也不尽相同。选择最优的方案能使总投资尽可能小,这个问题即为求无向网的最小生成树。-Needs in a residential area between the n cities laying gas pipelines, in the residential area between the n n-1 only the laying
- VC++编写的完整的加油站问题的代码,代码简单易懂,非常实用-Written in VC++ code to complete the gas station problem, is straightforward and very practical
- 【汽车加油问题】一辆汽车加满油后可以行驶N千米。旅途中有若干个加油站。若要使沿途的加油次数最少,设计一个有效的算法,指出应在那些加油站停靠加油。并证明你的算法能产生一个最优解。-[Problem] auto fuel fill up a car after driving N km. There are several gas stations journey. To make the least number of refueling along the way to design an ef
- 给定了n和k个加油站的位置,汽车加满油后可行驶n公里,指出应在哪些加油站停靠,使得加油次数最少,贪心选择算法-Can travel to the location given n and k gas stations, auto fill up n kilometers that should be docked in which gas stations, making refueling the least number of greedy selection algorithm
- 膜渗透 FUENT UDF 气液两相流 -Gas-liquid two-phase flow membrane permeation FUENT UDF