- quicccck sort using divide n conquer-quicccck sort using divide n conquer...
- An example of a divide and conquer algorithm
- 一些常用的算法设计方法和C++环境下的实现方法。主要包括:迭代法、穷举搜、索法、递推法、递归、回溯法、贪婪法、分治法 -Some commonly used algorithm design methods and C environments are implemented. These mainly include: iterative method, exhaustive search, rope method, recursive method, recursion, backtra
- 使用分治算法找到平面上的n各点的集合S中最小距离的一个点对-Use Divide and Conquer Algorithm to find the plane of the set of n points S in the minimum distance of a point on the
- 算法分析实验 算法分析减治法 8枚硬币问题-Experimental analysis of algorithms analysis of algorithms by-conquer eight coin problem
- 这是一个ACM试题中的算法,叫分而治之算法,上面有PPT还有实例代码,希望喜欢ACM的同学可以喜欢-This is a Question in the ACM algorithm, called divide and conquer algorithms, there are examples of the code above, there are PPT hope that students like to be like the ACM
- 1. 依照介面提示輸入yes 或 no 2. 每局結束後會印出你心中猜想的兩個數字並計算當次花費的回合數 3. 每局之間可連續 本程式採用的演算法策略為divide-and-conquer algorithm 1. 先將範圍盡量縮小,優先程序為先從小範圍求出一解 2. 盡量以2的次方數取範圍做分割尋找一個數字時,平均最佳的方法必是二分法。 因此如何以最小步數找到第一個解?若搜尋範我採用的方法,就是以最小步數先尋找到一個解,接著再用二分法找出剩餘的一個解。為了讓
- 算法课程设计 分治法解决循环赛日程表 源代码+word报告+答辩PPT-Curriculum design of divide and conquer algorithm to solve a round robin schedule report+ source code+ word reply PPT
- 算法分析设计之递归与分治法Algorithm Analysis and Design of recursive and divide and conquer-Algorithm Analysis and Design of recursive and divide and conquer Algorithm Analysis and Design of recursive and divide and conquer
- 描述了分支定界算法,贪婪算法,动态规划算法,分而治之算法,回溯算法,理论性很强-Describe the branch and bound algorithm, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming algorithm, divide and conquer algorithms, backtracking algorithms, highly theoretical
- 一天征服傅里叶变换,超简单的描述,让没有基础的同学都能看的明白,适合还处在似懂非懂的状态的同志们。-One day conquer the Fourier transform, super simple descr iption, so there is no basis to understand the students can look for is still in the state of half-comprehended comrades.
- 使用分治法实现最近点对算法,图形化界面,可以通过鼠标点击生成点也可以随机生成,并计算得到最近点对-Divide and conquer method to achieve the closest point algorithm, graphical interface, can be generated by a mouse click can also be randomly generated, and calculated to the nearest point on
- 分治法实现的大整数乘法。是学习分治算法策略的很好的范例。-Sub-rule method to achieve the large-integer multiplication. Is a good example of learning the strategy of divide and conquer algorithm.
- 自己在各个论坛上搜集的十大算法,Dijkstra算法,Floyd算法,动态规划,分治算法,概率算法,灰色预测,聚类算法,蒙特卡洛,模拟退火算法,神经网络等等,附有算法的原理,部分含有相关的程序源代码。-In various forums to collect the ten algorithms, Dijkstra algorithm, the Floyd algorithm, dynamic programming, divide and conquer algorithms, probabi
- An Elementary Introduction to the Discrete Fourier Transform 1.1 ComplexNumbers 1.3 Analyzing the Series 1.5 Filtering a Signal 1.6 How Often Does One Sample? 1.7 Notes and References 1.2 Trigonometric Interpolation 1.4 Fourier Frequenc
- 实验描述:给定X和Y都是n位整数,计算乘积XY。分治算法思想,将n位X和Y分成2段,每段n/2位。则X分为AB两段,Y分为CD两段。 有X=A*(10)^(n/2)+B,Y=C*(10)^(n/2)+D;XY=(A*(10)^(n/2)+B)(C*(10)^(n/2)+D)=AC*(10)^n+(AD+BC)*(10)^(n/2)+BD。 -Experiment: given X and Y are n-bit integers, calculate the product of the
- Distinguish the similarity between dynamic programming and divide and conquer design techniques.
- 跟据减治法的大整数乘法,此方法是通过对大整数乘法的改进,运行时间更短,跟有效率的算法-According to conquer reduction of large integer multiplication, this method is improved by a large integer multiplication, the running time is shorter, with the efficiency of the algorithm
- 利用分治策略求解时,所需时间取决于分解后子问题的个数、子问题的规模大小等因素,而二分法,由于其划分的简单和均匀的特点,是经常采用的一种有效的方法,例如二分法检索。-When solving using the divide and conquer strategy, the time required depends on the number of decomposed sub-problems, the size of sub-problems and other factors, but
- 组合优化与算法分析 分治算法(divide and conquer)的描述和分析-divide and conquer