- Rectangular Interleave ia a C++ object for performing rectangular interleaving. Can either specify the numbers of rows and columns for interleaving or just the sizeof the interleaver and allow it to construct the squarest rectangle.-Rectangular Inter
- 矩阵相加 对于初学者非常有用 Dim irow As Integer Dim icol As Integer Dim iA(3, 2) As Integer Dim iB(3, 2) As Integer Dim iC(3, 2) As Integer Dim rand = New Random(CInt(Date.Now.Ticks And Integer.MaxValue)) For irow = 0 To 3 For icol = 0 To 2
- Immune system code and negative selection algorithm code Immune system code and negative selection algorithm code-Immune system code and negative selection algorithm code Immune system code and negative selection algorithm code Immune system c
- Several codes of algorithms IA for implementations and tests, enjoy it!