- 离散数学的若干实验指导书。主要包含真值表判定、逻辑推理、集合运算、等价关系、代数系统运算等方面。-Several discrete mathematics experiment documents. Mainly consists of determining truth table, logical reasoning, set operations, equivalence relations, algebraic operations and so on.
- MP-LABS是一系列关于多相流数值模拟的工具。源码可以模拟二维准不可压缩两相流,并能容许大的密度变化率,使用的是周期边界条件。源码来源于互联网,使用请遵守内含协议。-MP-LABS is a suite of numerical simulation tools for multiphase ows based on the free energy Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The code allows for the simulation of
- This book focuses on the applications of computer vision to fun problems such as image stitching and photo-based 3D modeling from personal photos. It also reflects author s 20 years’ experience doing computer vision research in corporate research lab