- 至少输入五个点,得到最小二乘模拟椭圆,最后得到椭圆左右焦点以及主轴与x轴夹角等具体参数-[Xc,Yc,A,B,Phi,P]=ELLIPSEFIT(X,Y) finds the least squares ellipse that best fits the data in X and Y. X and Y must have at least 5 data points. Xc and Yc are the x- and y-axis center of the ellipse re
- 8 bit very fast CRC generator for polynom x8+x2+x1+x (0x07), fits any AVR processor and any type of 8-bit data trasfer with 8 bit CRC code written in AVR assembler with AVRStudio 4. Author: Jens Hallgren, Sweden-8 bit very fast CRC generator for po
- 分析多级明细结果,并需着呢最好的数据Fit方式!-This scr ipt analyzes the results of multiple simulations, and chooses the model which best-fits the experimental data. Fitting may be weighted
- 经济同步增长,GDP数据拟合~ 表明最近20年来世界主要国家GDP增长或波动趋势;有效展示了东南亚金融动荡。-The polyfitting model and evaluations fits the GDP data for a great number of countries (divided by several communities), and depicts the famous Southeast Asia economic crisis.
- “三天打鱼两天晒网”是一句俗话,但其实也包含着深刻的编程思想。某人从1990年1月1日起开始“三天打鱼两天晒网”,问这个人在以后的某一天中是“打鱼”还是“晒网”?-" Fits and starts network is the proverb, but in fact contains profound programming ideas. Someone " fits and starts network from January 1, 1990, and asked in
- 2维曲面拟合,gauss or gabor 函数-Functions to fit a 2D Gaussian or 2D Gabor to a surface. The routines are automatic in the sense that they do not require the specification of starting guesses for the model parameters. This is done by evaluating the quality
- NSEDFEllipsoid是基于NESEDF椭圆拟合方法改进的椭球拟合方法。 函数alpha = NSEDFEllipsoid(X,Y,Z)根据椭球代数距离公式a(1)x^2 + a(2)y^2 + a(3)z^2 + a(4)xy + a(5)xz + a(6)yz + a(7)x + a(8)y + a(9)z + a(10) = 0拟合得到椭球方程的10个系数,其中X、Y、Z是采样点坐标的列向量集合。 -NSEDFEllipsoid fits ellipsoid based on
- 对离散点进行多项式拟合,不同于传统多项式拟合高次出现病态,此程序可以拟合高阶多项式- ORTHOFIT Fit polynomial to data. YS = ORTHOFIT(X,Y,N) smooths/fits data Y(X) in a least-squares sense using a polynomial of degree N and returns the smoothed data YS.
- 通过对离散点的拟合计算各点的曲率和法矢量- This function calculates the curvature of a 2D line. It first fits polygons to the points. Then calculates the analytical curvature from the polygons