- 其基本思想是取B样条函数 为及基函数,在[a,b]中均匀划分区间,xi=a+ih,h=(b-a)/n,由于三次样条函数空间是n+3维的,所以把分点扩充到x-1,xn+1,则任意三次样条函数可用 线性组合来表示:-The basic idea is to take B-spline function and basis functions in [a, b] in the evenly divided intervals, xi = a+ ih, h = (ba)/n, because the c
- 对[-5,5]作等距划分 Xi = -5 +ih,h =10/n , i = 0, 1, …, n,并对Runge 给出的函数 y =1/(1+x*x) 。 作Lagrange插值,取n=10,20计算插值多项式Pn(x) 在x=4.8处的误差,并作分析。 -Of [5,5] be equidistant Xi =-5+ih, h = 10/n, i = 0, 1, ..., a function of n, and Runge given y = 1/(1+x* x). As Lagr