- 主要用于高层建筑的减振设计,根据线性振动理论,用matlab高级语言编写而成,由一个主程序和四个子程序组成-mainly for high-rise building design of the vibration, linear vibration theory, use the advanced language Matlab has been prepared by a main program and four subroutine composition
- 它是在DOS环境下开发的数学计算软件,菜单中主要的一种是“有限元法”,使用的编程语言是C语言,解压无需密码。-It is the DOS environment to develop a mathematical calculation software, the main menu is a "finite element method", the use of the C programming language is the language, extract no p
- Gauss列主元素消去法,同时给了Matlab的M文件和C代码文件。-out the main elements of Gauss elimination, but also to the Matlab M C code files and documents.
- C++编写的高斯列主元素消去法。界面不够好,不过算法没问题。-C + + out of the main elements of Gaussian Elimination Act. Interface is not good enough, but Algorithm no problem.
- 高斯消去法是一个古老的求解线性方程组的方法,但它的改进、变形得到的主元素消去法仍然是计算机上常用的计算方法。-Gaussian Elimination is an ancient solving linear equations method, but it's improving, the deformation of the main elements elimination method is commonly used by computer calculation.
- 频谱分析技术是研究周期性现象中最为常用的一种统计分析方法,其主要是通过对一复合的波系进行数据变换,将其分解成若干振幅和相位不同的简谐波,并找出其中振幅最大的波,即该复合波中的主要频率。频谱分析的方法较多,其中最常用的是快速傅立叶变换法(FFT)-spectrum analysis techniques to study the cyclical phenomenon most commonly used a statistical analysis method, its principal i
- 曲线数据处理之曲线插值主要内容:实际观测值总不能稠密到满足任何条件下的需求,对中间没有观测值的点位则需要通过插值获得答案。又实际观测数据往往是离散的,即在X轴上观测数据点之间是不等距的,也需要通过插值使其等距化。-curve data processing for curve interpolation main elements : the actual observed values can not be populated any conditions to meet the needs
- 有一串10000位数的主串由1、2、3、4四位数随机获得,n位模式串是指有4的n次方个模式串,如2位模式串有:11、12、13、14、21、22、23、24、31、32、33、34、41、42、43、44等16个数组成。现在进行模式匹配,假设主串为:431324113122341324132等等,则第一次比较是43,第二次比较是31,第三次比较是13,依此类推,每比较一次则落得模式串中的一个,当所有模式串(有4的n次方个)都被找到时,记得所比较的次数,则这个次数就是这次匹配的结果。程序执行了
- 根据模糊故障数的资料,实现了核心的算法。test类是启动测试类。该算法主要实现核心部分,具体应用要根据实际的环境对代码作简单的修改即可-under the fuzzy information on the number of failures to achieve a core of the algorithm. Test is the test launch category. The algorithm main core, specific application according to
- 一个产生PN15伪随机序列并模拟噪声干扰和统计误码率的通讯系统仿真程序,主要实现了PN序列的同步算法和实时误码统计-PN15 have a pseudo-random sequence and noise simulation and statistical error rate communications system simulation program, the main PN sequence of real-time synchronization algorithm and err
- 用vc编写的矩阵运算程序,其中包括子程序和主程序,已经编译过了可以运行-vc prepared with the matrix calculation procedures, including subroutine and the main program has compiled a run
- 用选主元的doolittle分解法解用户输入的线性方程组。共4文件。-election with the main yuan doolittle decomposition method for user input linear equations. A total of four documents.
- 计算流体力学代码,可用于二维不可压缩流场计算,代码采用simple算法-Computational fluid dynamics code, can be used for two-dimensional incompressible flow field, the code using simple algorithm
- 本程序采用列主元素消去法解线性方程,最大变元数1-This procedure uses the main elements of the column elimination method for solving linear equations, the maximum number of variables 100
- This file is the main file of RPN algorithm (reverse polish notation). I am pretty sure it is 100 bug less. File was checked on Wroclaw Univerity of Technology servers.-This file is the main file of RPN algorithm (reverse polish notation). I am prett
- 数值计算-列主元素法解方程的C++原始代码,下载可用-Out the main elements
- 选主元素高斯消去法在MATLAB环境下的实现。-Select the main elements of Gaussian elimination in the MATLAB environment to achieve.
- kmc模拟电沉积薄膜生长主逻辑,包括初始化基底,沉积,迁移事件的选择-KMC main logic method to simulate thin film growth, including the initialization basement, call deposit, migration events
- 线性方程组求根的直接法 (1) 编写列主元消元法的通用程序 (2) 用如上程序求方程-The direct method for solving linear equations (1) the general procedure for the preparation of the main elements of the column (2) using the above procedure for equation
- Main function to solve a rubick cube using Genetic Algorithms