- 一个机器自己学习玩扫雷游戏的程序!快试试!-a machine you learn to play the game the demining process! Try fast!
- 人工智能学习的重要内容,对加强和巩固所学内容将起到非常重要的作用。-AI an important part of learning, to strengthen and consolidate the contents will play a very important role.
- 中国象棋网络版C#源码 Visual studio 2005,C#开发 中国象棋网络版,具有人工智能,可采用人工下棋、电脑参谋、电脑下棋等模式参加互联网比赛。采用ClickOnce发 布到你的网站上,选择只能联机运行,可以让玩家只能上你的网站玩游戏。 共有三个项目: Game是主项目; CChessThinker是用C++写的人工智能DLL类库; Thinker是用C#写的DLL,只是简单的封装了CChessThinker,目的是让有些朋友可以直接用C
- 一个人工智能的国际象棋游戏,用VC写的,完全采用的win32 API,而没有用MFC。英文介绍为:The Genius is a chess engine that uses AI techniques to play against humans。-an artificial intelligence international chess game, with VC written entirely using the win32 API, not using MFC. English in
- CPN网络,即对向传播网络,是将Kohonen特征映射网络与Grossberg基本竞争网络相结合,发挥各自特长的一种新型特征映射网络。-CPN network, the right to communication networks, Kohonen feature is the mapping of network and basic Grossberg competing networks combined play to their strong points of a new featu
- 用matlab编的,一个典型的BP神经网络的例子,相信对你的学习、工作都能起到一个参考的作用,Using matlab series, a typical example of BP neural network, I believe your study, work can play the role of a reference
- 这是一个打原始点的人工智能坦克机器人,该机器人只能打原始点。-This is an original point of artificial intelligence to fight tanks and robot, the robot can only play original point.
- 改进的遗传算法源程序,采用实数编码,对多个参数的优化起到很好的改良作用!-Improved genetic algorithm source code, using real-coded, and the optimization of multiple parameters of the improved play a good role!
- c++实现基于神经网络的空间大战,可以学习到如何利用神经网络进行游戏编程。-c++ implementation of space war based on neural networks can learn how to play games using neural network programming.
- 俄罗斯方块程序,带有人工智能,电脑自动玩游戏。-Tetris program, with artificial intelligence, computer automatically play games.
- This a little program of cat play
- 该文件是蚁群算法程序,能更有效地解决路径问题,希望可以给广大朋友起到一定的作用。-The program file is the ant colony algorithm can more effectively address the routing problem, hope to play a role in the general friend.
- 当年IBM大赛时编制的代码,编制一个跟电脑对战的黑白棋行走算法,要求在最短时间内获得胜利,采用的是Java语言-IBM contest that year when the code compiled, the preparation of a play against the computer in the Othello walk algorithm requires victory in the shortest time, using the Java language
- 神经网络C++程序,对于有一定基础的同志能起到帮助。-Neural Networks C++ program based on for a certain comrades can play to help.
- it s a chess autonomous project and the students who did this project wrote this in their introduction section. "The project we are presenting in this paper was realised during the senior year of undergraduate studies at the Ecole Polytechniq
- 刘振亚 《智能电网知识读本》旨在让社会公众更多地了解智能电网知识,更好地理解和支持智能电网建设。主要内容包括中国电力概况、坚强智能电网、智能电网与能源资源优化、智能电网与新能源发电、智能电网与可靠供电、智能电网与和谐用电、智能电网与信息通信、智能电网前沿技术、智能电网工程实践等。 全书内容全面、资料翔实、图文并茂、通俗易懂,对普及智能电网知识将会起到很好的推动作用。-Liu Zhenya, " smart grid knowledge readers" designed t
- 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法,它最初由美国Michigan大学J.Holland教授于1975年首先提出来的,并出版了颇有影响的专著《Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems》,GA这个名称才逐渐为人所知,J.Holland教授所提出的GA通常为简单遗传算法(SGA)。 -In artificial intellig
- 数据 挖掘就是面对海量的存储数据建立数学模型,找出隐含的业务规则和有价值的信 息,在实际应用中发挥作用 -Data mining is the face of vast amounts of stored data to a mathematical model to identify the implicit business rules and valuable information to play a role in practical applications
- 自己编的实数编码量子进化算法,配对交叉 交叉是指把两个父代个体的部分结构加以替换重组而生成新个体的操作。遗传算法中起核心作用的就是交叉算子-Their own series of real-coded quantum evolutionary algorithm, the matching of crossing is part of the structure of the two parent individuals to replace the reorganization generat
- 这是修改了一位好朋友的代码之后做出来得中国象棋,总体还是不错的,电脑的只能水平也挺高,就是反应慢一点,欢迎高手来对弈!-This is to modify the code of a good friend to make more Chinese chess, and overall is good, the only level of computer pricey, is the slow response, welcome to the master to play chess!