- 求解TSP和MTSP的混合遗传算法_英文_,Abstract:M any app licat ions are invo lved w ith mult ip le salesmen each of w hom visits a subgroup cit ies and returns the same start ing city. The to tal length of all subtours is required to be m ini2 mum. Th is is called
- 主要包括免疫识别、免疫学习、免疫 记忆、克隆选择、个体多样性、分布式和自适应等,-It is the real engineering app licat ion s that draw the b road at ten2 t ion of compu ter scien t ist s to recogn ize the great po ten t ial of A IS, hereby som e impo rtan t app li2 cat ion f ields as
- MTSP 问题其实与单 旅行商问题(Traveling Salesperson Problem ,简称TSP) 相似,但是由于添加了任何城市只要被某一旅行商访问到即可这个附加条 件,因而增加了问题复杂度。在以前使用遗传算法(GA) 研究解决MTSP 问题时,通常采用标准的TSP 染色体和处理方法。-M any app licat ions are invo lved w ith mult ip le salesmen each of w hom visits a subgroup c
- 以microsoft.com网站的一组处理后的web日志为数据(ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/machine-learning-databases/anonymous/),利用并根据实际情况改进了聚类分析基于划分的方法类中最基本的Kmeans和Kmedoids方法,对下载数据集的一个采样(5000samples,294 attributes per sample)进行了简单的聚类分析,以期望找出有用的用户访问模式。 -web datamining with datase
- 手写体数字辨别,样本数据与训练数据均来自UCI 机器学习数据库网站:http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html 采用BP多学习率算法-BP algorithm of neuro network
- 设计了免疫克隆选择算法ICS整定自抗扰控制参数的程序,并在无刷直流电动机速度控制上得到验证,程序简单可行,结果良好。-Immune clonal selection algorithm is designed ICS ADRC tuning parameters of the procedure, and in the brushless DC motor speed control is verified, the procedure is simple and feasible, with
- This an implementation of SMO type classifier[1]. The input file is "i_x.mat" which is the matrix form of ionoshpere data obtained from https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html [1] http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/papers/quadworkset.pdf-Thi
- MATLAB实现的KNN 压缩文件包含m文件和wine.txt(机器学习著名的红酒数据集,下载自UCI大学机器学习数据集: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Wine) -knn wrote in MATLAB