- C-C法重构相空间文件夹说明1.CC_Method_main.m - 程序主文件 2、LorenzData.dll - 产生Lorenz离散数据 3、normalize_1.m - 信号归一化 4、ccFunction.dll - 计算S(m,N,r,t)-C-C method reconstruction phase space folders note 1.CC_Method_main.m-procedure two main documents, LorenzData.dll
- G-P算法计算关联维的 Matlab 程序 (升级版,mex函数,超快) 作者:陆振波,海军工程大学 欢迎同行来信交流与合作,更多文章与程序下载请访问我的个人主页 电子邮件:luzhenbo@sina.com 个人主页:luzhenbo.88uu.com.cn 更新部分: 引入限制短暂分离参数,使该参数大于序列平均周期时,去除了同一轨道前后点的关联, 使 r 值较小时,ln r - ln C(r) 曲线接近线性 文件夹说明: 1、GP_Alg
- 《Matlab与通信仿真》--数字调制篇--分析R-QAM或G-QAM的性能(信道任选)-" Matlab simulation and communication" - Digital Modulation articles- Analysis of R-QAM or the performance of G-QAM (optional channel)
- matlab时频分析工具箱,时频分析工具箱包括短时傅立叶变换和二次型时频分析以及各种时频分析的matlab代码-The Time-Frequency Toolbox (TFTB) is a collection of about 100 scr ipts for GNU Octave and Matlab (R) developed for the analysis of non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions.
- 在三维空间中画泡泡,可以指定在三维空间中的x,y,z的坐标以及泡泡的半径r和颜色c(RGB).-BUBBLEPLOT3(x,y,z,r), where x, y, z and r are four vectors of the same length, plots bubbles of radii r in 3-space with centers at the points whose coordinates are the elements of x, y and z. If r
- This ahci Ver 1.3 spec.-This is ahci Ver 1.3 spec.
- 功能描述:用matlab语言实现Levinson-Durbin算法 函数名:Levinson_Durbin_Algo 输入参数: (1)R:自相关矩阵或者其估计值 (2)P:AR模型的阶数 输出参数: (1)A:p阶AR模型的参数,它是一个长度为P+1的行向量 (2)E:噪声功率 调用函数:无 被调用:L_D_sim.m 作者:mingcheng 编写时间:2009-11-13 修改时间:2009-11-1
- moro转换算法,将0-1均匀分布转换为标准正态分布-moro conversion algorithm will convert the 0-1 uniform distribution to standard normal distribution
- (1)通过Simulink创建仿真模型;(2)配置相关RTW(Real-Time Workshop)参数;(3)通过RTW(Real-Time Workshop)自动生成C代码文件,并理解主要文件、接口函数和变量的意义;(4)在Visual C++中将生成的C代码作适当修改,编译运行并分析结果。-(1) created by Simulink simulation model (2) configuration related to RTW (Real-Time Workshop) param
- u can calculate DCT clc inp = imread( Im1.jpg ) inp1 = imread( Im2.jpg ) A = double(inp(:,:,1)) B = double(inp1(:,:,1)) A1=double(blkproc(A,[8 8], dct2 )) B1=double(blkproc(B,[8 8], dct2 )) [r,c] = size(A
- The program simulates convolutional code using soft-decoding viterbi algorithm. The choice of generator matrix (G) determines the code rate (1/R) and constraint length of the code (K).
- The program simulates convolutional code using soft-decoding viterbi algorithm. The choice of generator matrix (G) determines the code rate (1/R) and constraint length of the code (K).
- It can be used to divide an audio signal to several segmentations, such as speech, music and others. If you do not have Matlab v. 7.0.0 (R) installed on your Pc, you will have to download the Matlab Component Runtime installer and install it.
- a=load( q.txt ) width=input( 请输入窗宽 ) step=input( 请输入步长 ) m=length(a) for i=1:floor((m-width)/step+1) s(i,1:width)=a(1,1+(i-1)*step:width+(i-1)*step) end b=max(max(s)) M=s./b Rs=input( 请输入本体集半径 ) nd=input( 请输入检测器数模 ) k=1 while
- The ouput is the TE/TM band structure (first five bands) along pricipal directions (G-X-M-G) of a square-lattice photonic crystal with unit cell consisting of a substrate of "epb" relative permittivity with circular rods(holes) of "epa" rel
- Generates and plots state output sequence X[n] according to X[n]=round[1/2(X[n-1]+R[n])], where R[n] is a reference point chosen at random
- y=d2wavelet(x,Fs,level) does the 2nd order Daubechies Wavelet Transform of signal x with a sampling frequency Fs and the DWT is decomposition is done upto a level It returns the matrix of all decompositions and the final approximations. Instead
- 提供了一种inverse gaussian分布定参的程序(程序中离散单位长度为1),R^2是统计量相关系数考虑了未知量的个数和拟合的精度。-Provided an inverse gaussian distribution of a given parameter of the program (in discrete units of length 1), R ^ 2 is a statistic correlation coefficient considering the number o
- DCF vs DMF FER at the MAC layer vs true Es/N0, 2-s-1-r-1-d- DCF vs DMF FER at the MAC layer vs true Es/N0, 2-s-1-r-1-d . . . .
- 设计常规PD控制器和模糊控制器,比较两者性能. 对模糊控制器,考虑以下因素对系统性能的影响, ① 模糊控制器方案的选择; ② 语言变量取法; ③ 论域的划分; ④ 模糊子集(隶属函数)的形状和分布; 参考性能指标: (1) r(t)=1(t) 时稳态误差为0; (2) 超调量不超过5 % ; (3) 调节时间不超过2秒.(fuzzy logic control,FLC proportional integral,PI di