- OTSU Gray-level image segmentation using Otsu s method. Iseg = OTSU(I,n) computes a segmented image (Iseg) containing n classes by means of Otsu s n-thresholding method (Otsu N, A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms, IEEE
- Matlab 7官方英文学习手册,全面介绍了其中的各个函数属性和例子。-MATLAB and Simulink® are the premier software packages for technical computing in education and industry. The MATLAB & Simulink Student Version provides all of the features of professional MATLAB, with no
- 求零点、极点和增益,这是一些已经调好的实例,还有运行后的结果。-For zero, poles and gain, this is some have adjustable good examples, and after the operation result.