- 1、以不同的视角观察球面 和圆柱面 所围区域。2、画出s(t)=cos(2/3πf0t)的曲线及其付氏变换的曲线.设:f0=1KHz,时域分辨率 dt=0.01ms, 采样点数 N=2k, k>10.(均为M文件)
- 自己写的信噪比计算工具snr2.m snr2(s2ana,fs,f0,fl,fh,bl,bh) s2ana: 待分析信号 fs:采样频率 f0:信号频率 [fl,fh]:信号能量分散带
- cepstral analisys for pitch and F0 detection
- Autocorrelation speech signal for matlab. Computes the f0 frequency.
- This package contains scr ipt to calculate aliasing for given time domain signal. scr ipt to plot in time domain the function: x(t)=A0cos(2pif0t)+A1cos(2pif1t) where fs1=300 Hz and fs2=150 Hz (sampling rate) A0 and A1 are amplitude s signal (a
- This scr ipt calculate the Fourier transform of a Rectangular window of 64 points using an aproximation with a DFT of 1024 points,as well as calculates for differents values of f0 and f1 the module of the frecuency response of the windowed signal.
- Determine the SNR for a quadrature delta-sigma modulator using simulations. The modulator is described by a noise transfer function (ntf) and the number of quantizer levels (nlev). The ntf/stf may be given in ABCD form. The band of intere
- 用最速下降法求最优化解 输入:f为函数名 grad为梯度函数 x0为解的初值 TolX,TolFun分别为变量和函数的误差阈值 dist0为初始步长 MaxIter为最大迭代次数 输出: xo为取最小值的点 fo为最小的函数值 f0 = f(x(0- Steepest Descent Method with Optimum Solution input: f as a function name grad is gradient function x0 fo
myrasdar visit 6
- The function “ clutter_rcs.m” It also generates plots of the clutter RCS and the CNR ver- sus the radar slant range. Its outputs include the clutter RCS in dBsm and the CNR in dB. The syntax is as follows: [sigmaC,CNR] = clutter_rcs(sigma0,
- 本程序是矩形波的产生。第零步定义了要产生的波形的所有特征参数,矩形波的持续时间WIDTH,矩形波的采样点数POINTS,载波频率为F0,这个频率的最终引入是便于使用RF频率发射波形。第一步包括产生矩形波,并将其调制到RF上,注意,产生的信号的持续时间是矩形波宽度的5倍,这样,总的采样点数就是5*POINTS。同时还应注意,如果要产生一个基带信号,必须设置T0=0.第二步是画出所产生矩形波的源代码。- This procedure is rectangle wave production. Ste
- 利用 matlab 分别基于 ACF 和 W-AMDF 求基音频率,程序均调试通过。其中的 word 文档为下载资源,供大家参考对比-compute fundamental frequency of speech signal base on ACF and W-AMDF respectively, while the download word document for your reference.
- 声纳技术 常规的波束形成 信号形式:实信号,f0=1.5kHz,fs=15kHz 与带通采样等效。 统计方位估计性能与信噪比之间的关系,snr=0:30-Sonar technology
- 基于matlab 的叠加高斯白噪声的正弦信号频谱分析,给定正弦函数x=sin(2πf0n/N+π/3)+sin(2πf1n/N+π/4),设定f0.f1的值,加了噪声之后做快速傅里叶变换,在matlab中分析其频谱,验证是否与f0,f1的值符合。再变换N值,看随着N值的变化对应点是否符合及有何变化。-Matlab based on the superposition of Gaussian white noise sinusoidal signal spectrum analysis, giv
- 快速傅里叶变换 (FFT) 实现,给定信号x(t)=sin(2πf0t),f0=50Hz,对x(t)以fs=200Hz进行抽样,抽样点数为N=16。编写程序实现对x(n)的快速傅里叶变换,求得相应的X(K)。-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to achieve a given signal x (t) = sin (2πf0t), f0 = 50Hz, for x (t) with fs = 200Hz sampling, the sampling points is
- 用于自动生成ABR波形,计算言语ABR的F0值,需要使用信号处理工具箱-Abr waveform used to automatically generate automatically calculated F0 value ABR of speech , need to use signal processing toolbox
- The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. His 1202 book Liber Abaci introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics,[6] although the sequence had been described earlier as Virahanka numb
- 第一个程序为模拟产生一个正态随机序列X(n),画出产生的随机序列波形、相关函数(与理论曲线对比) 和功率谱密度。第二个程序为产生一个信号X(n),绘出信号及其幅度频谱曲线,当中心频率向左搬移f0=200Hz时,求出其低通等效信号,并绘出其幅度频谱、信号的同相、正交分量及包络。当中心频率向左搬移f0=100Hz时,求出其低通等效信号,并绘出其幅度频谱、信号的同相、正交分量及包络。-The first program to simulate the amount of generating a
- 12元均匀线列阵,DFT波束形成 功能:阵元间隔为对应于频率f0的半波长。假设一线性调频信号源从-30°方向入射到 基阵,不考虑噪声,进行DFT波束形成。-12 yuan uniform linear array, DFT beamforming Function: array element spacing corresponding to half the wavelength of the frequency f0. Suppose a linear FM signal s
- matlab 仿真下变频源程序 f0=20e6;%模拟信号中频 f1=10e6;%数字本振频率 fs=40e6;%采样频率(digital down convertion)
- K-S,即kolmogorov检验法,亦称拟合优度检验法。用来检验给定的一组数据是否来自分布F=F0,原理是若H0成立,则max|v/n-F0(qj)|应该很小,用手算几乎在绝大多数情况下是不可能的,通常借助统计软件,如SAS,S+等(K-S, namely Kolmogorov test, also known as goodness of fit test. It is used to test whether a given set of data comes from the distr