- This a tutorial to help you get started in Matlab. To find more details see the very helpful book Mastering MATLAB 6 by Duane Hanselman and Bruce Littlefield. Examples of Matlab code in this pamphlet are in typewriter font like this. As you read
- 系统分析: O型控制系统的输出 在matlab上可以显示其输出图像-system analysis the graph of output in zero system
- 可以修改文字的颜色、大小、字体。还可以对文字的方格和粗细进行设定。-You can modify the text color, size, font. The text can also be configured grid and thickness.
- 采用神经网络实现手写识别的一种方法,建立Bp神经网络,采用快速训练方法,可快速完成一类相关手写字体的模式识别,识别率较高,当字体变化较大识别率降低时,可重新训练具有较强的适应性。实验证实本方法较好实现了手写字符识别,但也存在识别速度较慢,有时训练不收敛等缺点-Handwriting recognition using neural network is a way to establish Bp neural network, using fast training methods, and c
- 鼠标滚轮控制文本字体大小_拖拽_单击关闭-Mouse Wheel Control text font size _ _ click Close drag
- 一种很不错的条码字体,大家多多支持啊。。以后会上传很多好东西跟大家分享的。-BarCode font
- 最新(2011年3月)的xpdf3.02_pl5,投国际会议最终修改稿必备的工具,将matlab产生的figure保存为【内嵌字体】的eps文件 需要安装到: c:\program files\xpdf matlab内部的命令为: export_fig filename.eps -eps -The most recently (March 2011) xpdf3.02_pl5, essential tools for the final submission o
- descr iption de forme en utilisant FD coeeficeients Fourier utilisé pour la classification forme. les étapes: 1. trouver les indices de frontières de l image de tranchant (binaire d entrée bordée d image voir le test par exemple) 2. trier le
- 介绍了matlab坐标轴标注方法和设置特殊字体的方法-Matlab axis label describes the methods and ways to set a special font
- 用matlab写的,提取汉字字模,进行OCR识别,先建立汉字字库-Written with matlab, extract character font, the OCR recognition, first create a Chinese character
- 此程序是船舶在海上试验时走出的之字型曲线仿真程序,调试很好,能帮助相关专业的人很好的学习船舶相关知识-The program is the sea trial in out of the simulation program font curve, debugging is very good, can help related professional person is very good learning ship relevant knowledge
- 印刷体数字识别。已知图片中仅包含一个数字(字体没有旋转),如下图所示,但数字的空间大小不定,字体不定(比如:宋体、黑体、times new roman等)。-Identification of the Numeral Strings. Contains only one digital in the in the a picture is known (font is not rotation), are as follows shown in the figure below, but the
- 基于BP神经网络对几种字体0-9的数字识别-BP neural network based on the font 0-9 digit recognition
- 绘制3D文字,输入参数str为字符串变量,用来指定文字内容,已根据需要定制字体高度。-3D rendering of text, enter a string variable str parameter to specify the text, font height has been customized according to needs.
- 用五点差分格式解拉普拉斯方程和用工字型差分格式解拉普拉斯方程,均生生成为函数文件,可以指教调用-By five o clock Difference Schemes for Solving the Laplace equation and labor font Difference Schemes for Solving the Laplace equation, both life and life becomes a function of the file, you can enlight
- 调整figure的大小和位置 设置颜色、字体、字号、加粗、倾斜 设置坐标范围、刻度线 设置图中线宽、坐标线宽 在图中添加文本标记 自动使figure最大化- Adjust the size of the figure and location Set the color, font, font size, bold, tilt Set the coordinate range, the scale line Set figure line width, c
- matlab中的画图,以M文件的形式编写函数文件,以及如何设置坐标轴以及坐标轴相应的标示,字体的设置等-matlab in the drawing, document preparation in the form of M function file, and how to set the axis and the axis of the corresponding label, font settings, etc.
- 通过编译器内修改指令对输出图形的大小、图形所占比例以及坐标轴字体和大小进行设置,以便符合期刊要求。其中还包含部分关于打开指定文件夹目录的程序。和一张300ppi的输出图。-Instruction by the compiler to modify the size of the output of the graphics, the graphics and the proportion of the axis font and size are set to meet the requirem
- hello there i want to fu
- It formats and prints figures: format line widths, line types; format font - size of labels, title, legend; format print size and quality