- HFSS-MATLAB-API is a library toolbox to control Ansoft HFSS from MATLAB using the HFSS scr ipting Interface. " T(hcI Xo^8o0xi This tool provides a set of MATLAB functions to create 3D objects in HFSS by generating the required HFSS scr ipt
- yeh a india and HCI is real one
- This file helps identify the presence of a human face, hand or any other body part by identifying and marking skin-like pixels within a given image. With further image processing techniques, the output produced by this scr ipt can be refined and proc
- Eye tracking and the information provided by the eye features have the potential to become an interesting way of communicating with a computer in a human-computer interaction (HCI) system. So with this motivation, designing a real-time eye feature tr
- 克以及有所给出的图片可以有效识别人脸,手,身体的matlab代码(This file helps identify the presence of a human face, hand or any other body part by identifying and marking skin-like pixels within a given image. With further image processing techniques, the output produced by thi
- DEAP 数据库 EEG_feature.txt 包含了1216个脑电信号样本的160维特征,每行为一个样本,每列为一种特征。特征从左至右分别是每个脑电电极的theta(1-32列)、slow alpha(33-64列)、alpha(65-96列)、beta(1-97128列)、gamma(129-160列)波段的脑电特征。 subject_video.txt 包含了1216个脑电信号对应的32名被试和38段视频信息,其中包含两列。第一列是对应的被试编号,第二列是对应的视频编号。 EEG_