- 《MATLAB 7.0编程基础》第4章 (源码实例)主要讲解MATLAB的符号运算-"MATLAB 7.0 programming foundation" Chapter 4 (source code examples) on the main website MATLAB No. Operational
Lab2files 用于图像物体识别
- 用于图像物体识别,计数,开发及运行环境为matlab7.0-count object in an image using Matlab 7.0
- Matlab 7官方英文学习手册,全面介绍了其中的各个函数属性和例子。-MATLAB and Simulink® are the premier software packages for technical computing in education and industry. The MATLAB & Simulink Student Version provides all of the features of professional MATLAB, with no
- 我们的目的是将一个分数拆分成若干个分子是1分母是正整数的分数之和的形式。例如2/3可以拆分成1/2+1/6的形式。这里不考虑顺序,比如1/6+1/2和1/2+1/6相同。 输入p, q, a, n, 其中p/q为分数,对这个分数进行拆分,要求拆分的分数个数不能多于n个,所有分母的乘积不能大于a。求有多少种拆分方法? 输入:最多200组数据。在每行中都有四个数分别表示p, q, a, n,之间以空格隔开,并且满足p,q<=800,a<=12000,n<=7,最后以四个0做
- bpsk仿真中间有两个方面的内容,很好的仿真软件-There are two files in the zip folder. bpsk_spread.m and jakesmodel.m Steps for simulation: 1] Run jakesmodel.m first 2] Then run bpsk_spread.m . 3] Note that during the first run bpsk_spread.m has no rayleigh fading.
- Step 1: Set i=1 FA=f(a) Step 2: while i≤ No do step 3-6. Step 3 set p=(a+b)/2 FP=f(p) Step 4 if FP<TOL or (b-a)/2<TOL then OUTPUT(p) STOP. Step 5 set i=i+1 Step 6 if FA.FP > 0 then set a=p FA=FP else set b=p. Step 7 OUTPUT (‘
- Step 1: Set i=1 FA=f(a) Step 2: while i≤ No do step 3-6. Step 3 set p=(a+b)/2 FP=f(p) Step 4 if FP<TOL or (b-a)/2<TOL then OUTPUT(p) STOP. prepared by Razana Alwee 24 Algorithm Step 5 set i=i+1 Step 6 if FA.FP > 0
- 高版本matlab的NC插件,7.0以后版本使用。无需安装。-High version of Matlab NC plug, 7.0 or later. Requires no installation.
- Matlab Code for: Removing the Blocking Artifacts of Block-Based DCT Compressed Images in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 12, NO. 7, JULY 2003-Matlab Code for: Removing the Blocking Artifacts of Block-Based DCT Compressed Images
- This the demo file for L1 adaptive controller with unknown parameter, unknown disturbance, unknown control effectiveness: \dot x(t) = Ax(t) + b(\omega u(t) + \theta(t)^\top x(t) + \sigma(t)) DoSims.m: This scr ipt initializes the model para
- 2014北美数学建模A题 元胞自动机 双车道模型 无规则twolane18(元胞数目一个格子代表一个汽车7。5米) - 副本-2014 North American Mathematical Modeling A title two-lane cellular automaton model no rules twolane18 (a number of cellular lattice represents a car 7.5 meters)- a copy of the
- matlab7.0上求灰度共生矩阵,解决7.0版本上没有grey函数的问题-Find GLCM on matlab7.0,No problem grey function solves 7.0
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT algorithm functions availa
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm for flickher signal, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT algori
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm for interruption signal, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT al
- For basic reading and review of HHT algorithm for sag signals, readers are referred to the references [1-4, 6]. For HHT algorithm analysis programs, two resources may be found useful: (1) the Matlab programs which perform most of the HHT algorithm
- Algorithm Given are P training pairs {X1,d1,X2,d2....Xp,dp}, where Xi is (n*1) di is (n*1) No of Categories=R. i=1,2,...P Yi= Augmented input pattern( obtained by appending 1 to the input vector) i=1,2,…P In the following, k denotes the training step
- 用于实现IEEE论文“Bayesian Compressive Sensing”的图2和图4的。(This set of Matlab (7.0) functions contain the core code for generating Fig.2 and Figs.4(a,b) of the following paper:"Bayesian Compressive Sensing" Shihao Ji, Ya Xue, and Lawrence Carin,