- 在计算机上产生一组实验数据,首先产生一段零均值白噪声数据u(n),令功率为 ,让u(n)通过一个三阶FIR: 得到y(n). .y(n)上加三个实正弦信号f1’=0.1,f2’=0.25,f3’=0.26调整 和正弦信号幅度信噪比大致为10dB,50dB,50dB. (1) 令N=256,描绘xn波形; (2)得出真实功率谱密度 . (3) 利用此实验数据Pisarenko谐波分解法估计该实验数据的正弦频率及幅度。-On the computer to generate a
- 设计一巴特沃兹带通滤波器,其3dB边界频率分别为f2=110kHz和f1=90kHz,在阻带f3 = 120kHz处的最小衰减大于10dB,采样频率fs=400kHz。-Design of a Butterworth band pass filter and the 3dB frequency boundary respectively and f1=90kHz f2=110kHz and in resistance with F3 = 120kHz minimum attenuation of
- The cubic approximation to f at x =a is a cubic, f3 (x), which has the same value, derivative, second derivative and third derivative as f at x = a.-The cubic approximation to f at x =a is a cubic, f3 (x), which has the same value, derivat
- 这是一个利用FFT内插法求解载波频率问题,精确度很高。-This is to solve a carrier frequency problems using interpolation FFT.It is high degree of precision.