- The Game: Make the snake grow longer by directing it to the food. Extra bonus points are given from hearts, eat them as fast as possible as amount of bonus points decreases with time. Higher level gives more points for the food but will also ma
- MATLAB和maple语言均未直接提供求解fourier级数的系数的直接函数,自己动手丰衣足食,下面提供了一个代码,大家可以参照下 -MATLAB language, and maple were not directly solve the fourier series coefficients of the direct function, it-yourself ample food and clothing, the following provides a code, we ca
- source code for Multi-block Methods for Exploratory Data Mining in Food Technology
- 粮食产量预测的matlab实现,基于给定的几年的粮食产量,预测出后一年的产量,属于原创,有论文,有代码-Grain output forecast matlab implementation, based on given years of food production, predicted after the year of production, are original, papers, a code
- 人工鱼群算法,在一片水域中,鱼往往能自行或尾随其他鱼找到营养物质多的地方,因而鱼生存数目最多的地方一般就是本水域中营养物质最多的地方,人工鱼群算法就是根据这一特点,通过构造人工鱼来模仿鱼群的觅食!聚群及追尾行为,从而实现寻优,以下是鱼的几种典型行为:(1)觅食行为:一般情况下鱼在水中随机地自由游动,当发现食物时,则会向食物逐渐增多的方向快速游去。(2)聚群行为:鱼在游动过程中为了保证自身的生存和躲避危害会自然地聚集成群,鱼聚群时所遵守的规则有三条:分隔规则:尽量避免与临近伙伴过于拥挤 对准规则:
- 蚁群算法 邮轮港口进行云评价,评价指标为上文总结得出的港口条件、经济腹地、旅游情况和港口建设四项指标-matlab The director of the Nourishing the Planet Project said besides poverty and a lack of access to food, much food is simply lost. Worldwatch estimates 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted each y
- Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is one of the most recently defined algorithms by Dervis Karaboga in 2005, motivated by the intelligent behavior of honey bees. It is as simple as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm
- Simple dynamic ode model describes a nutirition food web in a lake.
- 粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种基于种群的随机优化技术,由Eberhart和Kennedy于1995年提出。粒子群算法模仿昆虫、兽群、鸟群和鱼群等的群集行为,这些群体按照一种合作的方式寻找食物,群体中的每个成员通过学习它自身的经验和其他成员的经验来不断改变其搜索模式。 -Particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique, put forward
- Medicinal plants carry significant information for the development of human society and are considered as necessary resource for human well-being. Plants are of plenty of use as they form the base for food chain and a lot of medicines are derived pla
- colony optimization, It is a population based approach that uses the exploration of positive feedback as well as greedy search. The proposed method was inspired natural behavior of the ant colonies on how they find the food source and bring the
- 基于Markov的食品物价趋势预测,keyword:Markov预测。《MATLAB智能算法超级学习手册》-Based on food price trends Markov prediction, keyword: Markov prediction. " MATLAB algorithm super intelligent learning Handbook"
- foa优化算法*由于无法得知食物位置,因此先估计与原点之距离(Dist),再计算味道浓度判定值(S),此值为距离之倒数。- FOA optimization algorithm * since the food position can not be known, it is estimated that the distance between the origin (Dist), and then calculate the taste concentration det
- Matlab关于食品价格灰色关联分析,提供灰色关联分析解决问题的方法-Matlab about food prices grey correlation analysis, grey correlation analysis method of solving the problem
- 模拟两物种食物链的simulink设计,matlab基础。-Simulation of two species food chain Simulink design, matlab basis.
- 利用蚁群在搜索食物源的过程中体现出来的寻优能力来解决离散系统中的一些优化问题(Some optimization problems in discrete systems are solved by using ant colony optimization capability in searching for food sources)
- 在群智能优化算法里面,粒子群算法简称PSO,能够模拟动物寻找食物的搜索方法去逼近全局最优解。(n swarm intelligence optimization algorithm, particle swarm optimization (PSO) can simulate animal search for food to approximate the global optimal solution.)
- 蚂蚁算法 蚁群算法是一种用来寻找优化路径的概率型算法。它由Marco Dorigo于1992年在他的博士论文中提出,其灵感来源于蚂蚁在寻找食物过程中发现路径的行为。这种算法具有分布计算、信息正反馈和启发式搜索的特征,本质上是进化算法中的一种启发式全局优化算法。蚁群系统(Ant System或Ant Colony System)是由意大利学者Dorigo、Maniezzo等人于20世纪90年代首先提出来的。他们在研究蚂蚁觅食的过程中,发现单个蚂蚁的行为比较简单,但是蚁群整体却可以体现一些智能的行
- 蚁群算法是一种群智能算法,也是启发式算法。基本原理来源于自然界蚂蚁觅食的最短路径原理。蚁群算法根据模拟蚂蚁寻找食物的最短路径行为来设计的仿生算法,因此一般而言,蚁群算法用来解决最短路径问题,并真的在旅行商问题(TSP,一个寻找最短路径的问题)上取得了比较好的成效。目前,也已渐渐应用到其他领域中去,在图着色问题、车辆调度问题、集成电路设计、通讯网络、数据聚类分析等方面都有所应用。(Ant colony algorithm is a population intelligent algorithm,
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- food classification matlab