- 一、数据说明: 1:惯导系统为指北方位的捷连系统。初始经度为116.344695283度、纬度为39.975172度,高度h为30米。 初速度为v0=[0.000048637 0.000206947 0.007106781],飞行高度不变。 2:jlfw中为600秒的数据,陀螺仪和加速度计采样周期分别为为1/80秒和1/80秒。 3:初始姿态角为[0.120992605 0.010445947 91.637207](俯仰,横滚,航向,单位为度), jlfw中保存的为比力信
- 拟合函数为 g(x)=0.52253+7.90342*x-7.129385*sin(x)-Fitting function for g (x) = 0.52253+7.90342* x-7.129385* sin (x)
- 坐标转换:已知n个点在a,b两坐标系中的坐标值,采用优化方法求转换关系(标准的7参数转换关系,x,y,z的移动,x,y,z的旋转,以及缩放系数)ps:附带空间旋转公式。input: points in A and B。 output:transfer relationship (u,v,w: shit of x,y,z。 a,b,g: rotate of x,y,z 。k:zoom)-Coordinate Transfer:A,B are tow coordinates. This progra
- 在这项工作中所使用的方法是基于一个由大卫阿诺德教程。 http://online.redwoods.cc.ca.us/instruct/darnold/diffeq/logistic/logistic.pdf 这将运行该Logistic.m带来了图形用户界面。 1。放弃在列的格式文本文件中的x值 2。放弃在山口格式文本文件中的y值 3。的阴谋初始 按钮将绘制的分布 4。 查找适合 按钮,会找到最适合 5。 重置 将删除的情节(虽然我想打扫所有的领域
- (7,4)系统循环码编码器 code_out = cyclic_coder(code_in) 该系统循环码编码器的生成多项式是g(x) = x^3 + x + 1 输入参数code_in是信息码字,是1×4的行向量;输出code_out是编码后的系统 循环码字,是1×7的行向量。 函数运行时,同时画出输入信息码字和循环码字的波形图。- (7,4) cyclic code system Encoder code_out = cyclic_coder (code
- (7,4)系统循环码译码器 decode_out = cyclic_decoder(decode_in) 该系统循环码译码器的生成多项式是g(x) = x^3 + x + 1 输入参数decode_in是接收到的循环码字,是1×7的行向量;输出decode_out是解 码后的信息码字,是1×4的行向量。 函数运行时,同时画出接收循环码字和译出码字的波形图。 - (7,4) system cycle Decoder decode_out = cyclic_
- Given k = 4 n = 7 and G= 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 i. produce 16 possible message blocks ii. produce all the pertaining codeword vectors-Given k = 4 n = 7 and G= 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
- Triangle threshold method realized in Matlab environment based on Zack, G. W., Rogers, W. E. and Latt, S. A., 1977, Automatic Measurement of Sister Chromatid Exchange Frequency, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 25 (7), pp. 741-753-Triangle
- “Applied Econometrics using MATLAB”配套的计量经济Matlab包-MATLAB code for: 1. least-squares, simultaneous systems (2SLS,3SLS, SUR) 2. limited dependent variable (logit, probit, tobit) and Bayesian variants 3. time-series (VAR, BVAR, ECM) estim
- 利用PSO优化SVM中的c和g c1:初始为1.5,pso参数局部搜索能力 c2:初始为1.7,pso参数全局搜索能力 maxgen:初始为200,最大进化数量 sizepop:初始为20,种群最大数量-Support Vector Machine Optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization
- The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.0
- The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.0
- The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.0
- The model used for creating the reference voltage is shown in Fig. 4. First, photovoltaic output current (Ipv) and output voltage (Vpv) are passed through a first order low pass filter with a magnitude of G = 1 and a time constant of T = 0.0
- MATLAB Course Adriana Hera puting Communications Center Computing & Communications Center 1 . V ariables, Operators 2.Matrices 3.Matlab Functions 4.Relational operators & Loops (Flow Control) 5.scr ipts 6 U D fi d F ti 6 . U ser D e
- Savitzky-Golay滤波算法的7阶二次平滑算法源代码-s-g arithmetic