- simulink model of zeta converter.try to make it in closed loop. it is for study purpose-simulink model of zeta converter.try to make it in closed loop. it is for study purpose..
- simulink model of zeta converter. the important thing it is in closed loop using p i controller. it is for study purpose-simulink model of zeta converter. the important thing it is in closed loop using p i controller. it is for study purpose..
- zeta电路仿真 利用matlab/simulink对电路输出波形分析-the zeta circuit simulation matlab/simulink circuit output waveform analysis
- EFFICIENT RANDOM VARIATES GENERATOR (from over 50 distributions):Alpha, Anglit, Antilognormal, Arcsin, Bernoulli, Bessel, Beta, Binomial, Bradford, Burr, Cauchy, Chi, Chi-Square (Non-Central), Chi-Square (Centra
- 该模型描述的是zeta变换器。控制方式为电感电流控制。分析在一组参数下的非线性现象,画出相图,时域图,观察从周期一到周期二最后进入混沌状态-The model describes the zeta converter. Control mode for inductance current control. Analysis in a group of parameters of the nonlinear phenomenon, draw the phase diagram, time dom
- 在过阻尼情况下,典型二阶系统有两个相异的实数极点,其阶跃响应实际上是两个一阶系统响应的叠加。(ωn=5),不断增大ζ值,观察每个ζ值下两个实数极点间的距离;同时绘出两个实数极点分别对应的一阶系统响应和二阶系统的响应,观察它们间的关系-In the overdamped case, the typical second-order system has two distinct real poles, and its step response is actually the superposit
- zeta converter design
- zeta converter modelling in matlab simulink
- Zeta变换器,主要是对其中的参数设计考虑输出稳定性,MATLAB仿真文件(Zeta converter, mainly for the parameter design, considering the output stability, MATLAB simulation file)
- 设有色噪声序列{e(k)}为 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 0.5 0.2 ( ) ( ) 1 1.5 0.7 0.1 e k C z k z z k D z z z z ξ ξ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + + = = ? + + 式中,ξ (k)为方差为 1的白噪声。 注意:仿真程序中,白噪声在MATLAB 中由randn 函数产生,randn 函数前 面的系数表示白噪声的均方差,而非方差。(Set colored noise seq
BLDC ZSI fuzzy zeta
- BLDC motor speed and torque control using ZETA, Z-source converter, fuzzy logic