- Life32 is a program to animate an manipulate cellulair automa akin to Conway s Game of Life (GoL). 一个国外模拟生命细胞活动的小程序,我到现在还是搞得不是很懂,大家看看吧-Life32 is a program to animate an automa manipulate cellulair Conway s akin to the Game of Life (GoL). A life a
- 蜂窝填充多边形的初步实现,有仿真效果哦看看吧-honeycomb filled polygon initially realized, simulation results, oh let's see it
- RMSD: Root Mean Square Deviation 是一种在分子模拟及预测中很常见的评价标准,通过Jacobi变换来的到一个大分子和目标分子的相似程度。常用来评价一个三维结构的预测结果是否足够准确.作者主页http://dillgroup.ucsf.edu/~bosco/ 压缩包里的html里还包括有Python代码-RMSD : Root Mean Square Deviation is a molecular simulation and forecasting very
- 基于"trace transform"的识别2D图像的C++源程序, 主文件是tt.cpp, 在LINUX下可以用 g++ tt.cpp -o tt -O3进行编绎, 而且最后的结果也可以在MATLAB下显示出来, This package presents C++ tools to the trace transform of a 2D image, and related objects, i.e. circuses and triple features, matlab
- 又是一篇论文,关于nlm的。 随便看看啊-Another paper, on the nlm' s. Just take a look at ah
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):生物医学电子学_10477926-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): Biomedical Electronics _10477926
- It s a solar system.. with a colorful interface with C code.
- 计算SENSE重建图像中的g-factor,这是并行磁共振成像SENSE算法的关键一步-G-factor is the metric to quantify the amplificaiton of noise power in reconstructing SENSE accelerated image. The detail was presented in Pruessmann s 1999 Magn. Reson. Med. paper. In theory, g-factor is t
- 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法。压缩包中包含了由C++语言编写的算法。-Genetic Algorithm (Genetic Algorithm) is a simulation of the biological theory of evolution Darwin' s natural selection and genetic mechanism of th
- If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system s current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-R
- 美国lihong wang教授编写的程序,用于生物组织内光分布模拟的Mento Carlo算法-Professor of American lihong wang programs written for the simulation of light distribution within the biological tissue' s Mento Carlo algorithm
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):激光医学 激光在生物医学中的应用_10185602-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): Laser Medical Laser Applications in Biomedicine _10185602
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):激光医学基础_10768120-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): Laser Medical Foundation _10768120
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):生物医学电子学:理论与应用_11396246-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): Biomedical Electronics: Theory and Applications _11396246
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):生物医学电子学及实验_10702032-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): biomedical electronics and experimental _10702032
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):生物医学数字信号处理_11033353-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): Biomedical Digital Signal Processing _11033353
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):生物医学信号的处理和识别_10148703-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): biomedical signal processing and recognition _10148703
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):医学超声原理与仪器_10298983-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): Medical Ultrasound Principles and Instruments _10298983
- 超星新上架新书,PDF格式 书名(超星SS号):医用传感器与人体信息检测_10171753-Superstar' s New Book, PDF format title (Superstar SS No.): medical information detection sensor and the body _10171753
- Application that extracts features from segments, retrieved from microscope cell images. Each segment represents one cell. Feature vector consists of following features: - cell s area - cell s centroid - cell s weighted centroid - cell s conv