- 有了Gabor核函数后就可以采用前文中提到的“离散二维叠加和卷积”或“快速傅立叶变换卷积”的方法求解Gabor变换,并对变换结果求均值和方差作为提取的特征。32个Gabor核函数对应32次变换可以提取64个特征(包括均值和方差)。由于整个变换过程代码比较复杂,这里仅提供测试代码供下载。该代码仅计算了一个101×101尺寸的Gabor函数变换,得到均值和方差。代码采用两种卷积计算方式,从结果中可以看出,快速傅立叶变换卷积的效率是离散二维叠加和卷积的近50倍。-to extract features
- age. However, GAUSS is not appropriate for, say, writing a menu system a general-purpose language is probably easier. Nor is GAUSS appropriate for standard applications on standard datasets. There is little point in writing a probit estimation ro
- A while loop is used and will terminate when user will press esc key. To get the characters a function getche() is used conio.h which will store in char variable and store into the file using putc() function. On pressing esc to avoid any other cha
- eemd分解,很有用,信号特征提取可以用得到,效果很好-eemd decomposition, very useful, feature extraction can be used to get good results