- 华海成本核算辅助系统是基于用友U8企业资源管理系统开发的一套半成品成本统计分析软件。本软件界面美观、初始化简单、操作快捷、功能全面、报表多样等优点,深得客户好评-Huahai auxiliary system of cost accounting is based on the UFIDA U8 enterprise resource management system developed by statistical analysis of the cost of a set of semi-
- 一个简单的进销存系统,引用第三方控件,有自己写的自定义控件!带数据库,是个半完整的程序!-A simple Invoicing system, invoke third-party control, have their own written custom control! With databases, is a semi-complete procedure!
- 用matlab描述的3个自由度的半车模型-Matlab described three degrees of freedom semi-car model
- 带反馈控制的半车Matlab模型- Matlab model of a semi-truck with Feedback control
- 用于对单道地震信号进行反滤波处理,利用了地震信号复赛普的性质进行了分离。完成子波提取,和反褶积处理。-For single-channel seismic signal for inverse filtering processing, the use of the seismic signal for the semi-finals of the nature of Pu separation. Complete wavelet extraction, processing and decon
- Semi-automatic Differentiation (SD) Toolkit is a Matlab implementation of the complex step derivative (CSD) technique for the differentiation of real-valued functions. The Toolkit consists of three core functions: sdGrad.m - Returns CSD approx
- 近年来,随着高校大规模的扩招,学生人数急剧增加,高校宿舍管理的难度也越来越大。原始的手工或半手工管理模式已远远不能满足实际工作的需要。为了能够合理,有效的安排学生的住宿问题,对宿舍资源进行合理有效的管理,开发一套能够帮助学校相关部门更好地管理宿舍的计算机系统就成为当务之急。-In recent years, with the large university enrollment, the sharp increase in the number of students, college dor
- 学生信息管理系统,纯C语言编写,引用了Sleep休眠函数和cls清屏处理,系统未完善,但可用做模板,进行详细开发。-Students information management system, semi-finished products, to do with the template.
- 对于探测器,常常需要对其求取,本程序根据实验值和半经验公式求探测效率-Detectors often need its strike, the program is based on experimental data and semi-empirical formula and detection efficiency
- semi-log optimal algorithm for BCRP
- 针对磨耗性踏面和60kg轨道利用半赫兹算法完成接触斑形状计算,相比传统赫兹算法更加准确符合实际情况-For the calculation of the tread wear and 60kg semi Hertz algorithm to complete the track contact patch shape, the algorithm is more accurate compared to traditional Hertz realistic
- Demo of semi supervised classification
- This file belongs to semi supervised clustering
- (间距5最大50档)华尔街欧元对冲做多.mq4 顺多,顺空,逆多,逆空,个人觉得半自动效果好-(Interval 5 maximum 50 files) Wall Street hedge the euro to do more Shun, air, inverse, air, personal feel semi-automatic effect is good
- (间距5最大50档)华尔街欧元对冲做空.mq4 顺多,顺空,逆多,逆空,个人觉得半自动效果好-(Interval 5 maximum 50 files) Wall Street hedge against the euro short Shun, air, inverse, air, personal feel semi-automatic effect is good
- An assembly line is a manufacturing process (most of the time called a progressive assembly) in which parts (usually interchangeable parts) are added as the semi-finished assembly moves workstation to workstation where the parts are added in sequence
- 破解IC卡密码(半加密或不加密),与ACR122()配合使用,只可以导出DUMP文件,写卡软件,网上可以找,谢谢支持!-Crack IC card password (semi encrypted or non encrypted), and ACR122 () with the use of DUMP files can only be exported, write card software, the Internet can find, thank you support!
- 破解IC卡密码(半加密或不加密),与ACR122()配合使用,只可以导出DUMP文件,写卡软件,网上可以找,谢谢支持!-Crack IC card password (semi encrypted or non encrypted), and ACR122 () with the use of DUMP files can only be exported, write card software, the Internet can find, thank you support!
- 可以实现自动交易。有着趋势交易和逆势交易。以及自动交易,半自动交易。(Automated trading can be achieved. There are trend trading and Contrarian trading. And automatic trading, semi-automatic trading.)
Electrical Network
- 给定网络N,求其关联矩阵A,基本回路矩阵 ,基本割集矩阵 。 给定网络N,形成节点导纳矩阵Y,求逆得Z;利用支路追加法对追加一条支路(树支/连支)后的网络进行修正。 利用稀疏存储技术实现对 的查找;节点优化技术(动态、半动态);因子表技术。(Given network N, and its associated matrix A, basic circuit matrix, the basic cut set matrix. Given the network N, the node ad