- Software to perform 1-d and 2-d wavelet statistics and transforms in the R statistical package.
- PA1100磁头解码芯片源代码。PA1100磁头解码芯片驱动代码,支持银行卡轨道1、2、3数据,支持正反向刷卡,执行结果分别打印出磁条卡的3个轨道数据,The PA1100 head decoder chip source code. PA1100 head decoder chip drive code, support bank card orbital 1,2,3 data support the pros and cons to the credit card, the results
- 百度R包,可使用,好好学习,天天向上,好好学习,天天向上-baidu.R STUDY GOOD GOOD STUDY DAY DAY UP GOOD GOOD STUDY DAY DAY UP
- This program is a complete Vine-copula in R-package. It can be use to find correlation in multiple events, I use it for correlation between windfarms
- 1、根据财务因子选择10只股票,具体财务因子不限;2、运用投资组合理论建立投资组合,计算出每只股票的权重(协方差、相关系数);3、将构建的投资组合收益率与指数对比,计算看是否存在超阿尔法收益;4、将构建的投资组合收益率序列建立模型(ARMA、GARCH等),并预测未来一周、一月的收益率;(1, according to the financial factor selection of 10 stocks, the specific financial factor is not limited
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- 金融时间序列R语言代码:描述性统计分析、GARCH模型代码等(R language code of financial time series: descr iptive statistical analysis, GARCH model code, etc.)